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The most reactive metal is francium.

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Q: How do you tell what has highest metallic character?
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What had the most metallic character fluorine chlorine bromine iodine?

All the four elements listed in the question are non-metals and not metals. So it is not possible to tell the metallic character.

Which has the more metallic character Si or K?

K has more metallic character

Does Mg have more metallic character than Ca?

no it is because metallic character increases down the group

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What happens to the metallic character of the element as you go across the periodic table?

metallic character increases

How does metallic of the elements vary across a period?

Across a period, the metallic character decreases.

Which element following the 3rd periodic table has at least metallic character?

The element in Period 3 that has the greatest metallic character is magnesium. In periods, the metallic character decreases when atomic number increases.

Name two elements which show both metallic and non-metallic character?

Carbon, Silicon or Boron

Where are the metallic character on the periodic table?

bottom left

What is the difference between metallic character and electropositivity?

metallic character encompasses all the charateristics of metals, such as the melting point, conductivity, electromagnet properties, density etc. electropositivity is a measure of an element's ability to donate electrons, and therefore form positive ions. In general, the gretaer the metallic character of a metal, the more electropositive it is.

As you move across the periodic table what changes in metalic character?

The metallic character decrease from left to right.

Why does metallic nature increases down the group?

From top to bottom in the group the electro positivity increases so that the metallic character increases .