

How do you tell what species your frog is?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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See any good vet they will be alble to tell you if not a vet see a zoologist

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11y ago
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Q: How do you tell what species your frog is?
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Grab yourself a dissecting scope; put the tadpole, bellyup, in a dish under the scope. Get a good look inside the tadpoles mouth, and compare it to a species key for frog tadpoles. The number/formation of the teeth will tell you what species of frog your tadpole will turn into.

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The frog in general, no. There are several frog species that are endangered, however.

What is the species of frog beginning with b?

Bullfrog Barking Tree Frog

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Depends on the species and how big the frog is.

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There are 17 species of the green tree frog.

How many species of frog are their?

There are nearly 5000 species of frogs.

Why are the frogs disappearing and what species?

I don't know but I can tell you that the water-holding frog isn't 1 of those species endangered. Scientists have researched and gone in to more detail about them but they are no threat to be endangered.

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It will vary from species to species. A frog's poop should be shaped like the frog's inner parts and it should be solid.

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What is a toaster frog?

There are many different species of frogs that are known all over the world. There is no known species of frogs, such as a toaster frog.

Is the yellow banded poison frog a species of poison dart frog?

Yes it is.