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just wait until you and your mum are alone and just slowly bring it up. that is what im trying to do with my mum but i am not confident enough. i have long brown hairs on my legs and want to tell my mum but im nevrous. im 11 and all my friend and every one in my school shaves. good luck :-)

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15y ago
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9y ago

I remember when I told my mom that I was ready to start shaving my legs, she was a little upset. It's hard for a mom, because it is another sign that you are definitely growing up and are on your way to becoming a woman. If you haven't started shaving yet, I would talk to her and tell her why you are ready to start. For instance, I told my mom that some girls were starting to make fun of me in gym class. I also just felt that I was "ready." If you have already started, you might want to start the conversation with something along the lines of: "Mom, I've been shaving my legs for a few months now. I was worried you would be upset, so I've put off telling you. This is why I started..." Good luck!

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9y ago

Just let her know. If she's pretty conservative then it's only natural for her to question why. Maybe she thinks that you want to look sexy but you're still young. Just talk to her- I had a huge fight with my mom which just made her think that I'm not mature and responsible to go into beauty treatments. Be really mature and don't make it seem like you don't value her opinion. Also, I would advise waxing instead of shaving. Waxing hurts but it keeps the hair off of your body for weeks at a time, while after shaving a few times you'll have to shave nearly everyday.

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12y ago

i no it is hard to tell your mum things but it is easier to tell and be able to shave then have to drag it out, you can tell her face to face, a note, or a text e.t.c

hope it helped :D

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Q: How do you ask your mom to shave?
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Should you shave without asking your mom?

shaving is something like brushing your teeth, you do it because its something humans do, you don't need to ask your mom to shave. you don't have to ask her but i wouldn't shave for the first time without help froma parent. and not every person shaves, its not necessary

What should you ask your mom when to shave?

my mom and i arent that close in this kinda way and i just said 'hey mom my legs are really hairy and gross, can you get me a razor so i can shave them please?' is that what your asking for??? your question is confusing me haha

How do you talk to your mom about shaving?

it just depends on what you want to shave. you really aren't supposed to shave your pubic area. but legs are a different story. if you really want to shave your legs, just ask your mom flat out if you can. never go behind your moms back and do something that she wouldn't approve of.

Why do girls need to ask their mom before they first shave?

cause the moms need to show you how and stuff.

Should 11 year old shave?

i think she should start shaving. I am 11 years old and don't shave because i am too nervous to ask my mom. but i want to shave really badly!

Where are you supposed to shave?

You don't HAVE to shave anything. I suggest shaving under the arms, on the legs, don't shave your arms! It'll grow back thick and dark. As for private areas, use Nair and ask your mom to get your some razers.

What if my mom says shaving is not for me but my legs are really hairy and boys make fun what should you do?

You can ask your mom again. Explain to her why it's important to you. Ask your mom if u can way, use nair, or wear long pants to school as an alternative.DO NOT GO BEHIND your mom's back and shave. You may get in trouble if you cut yourself.

What do you do when you have hairy legs when your a kid?

I would just shave them.... I imagine that this is a girl so, ask your mom if you can, if she says no then do it any ways, always use soap before you shave your legs and make sure to hide any evidence.

Can you use sicssors to shave your legs?

no cuz it won't work use a razor or if u don't have ask ur mom to buy u one

What are the types of employments?

your mom employed me to shave her cat

How do you tell your mom you need to shave your legs?

okay, i am 13 and i started shaving my legs last year. I was going to the beach so i asked my mom if maybe i could shave my legs before and she said yes. the only thing she said was what brought that up and i just said i was putting lotion on my legs. hope this helps and be strong!! p.s i also recommend doing it before you go to bed or something so you dont talk to her for a while

How do you tell your mum you need to shave your armpits?

You say, "Mom, I have hairy armpits and I need to shave them." :). Then you go buy a razor and shaving cream and you SHAVE 'EM!