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They move around, creating air holes in your compost pile. The bacteria that breaks down your scraps into compost thrives when it is moved, and when it has availability to air. Their feces also help provide richer compost for gardening.

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13y ago

earthworms help the composting process of composting by eating the earth materials

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What is called the composting with the help of earthworms?


How do organisms help create and improve soil?

Organisms help break up dead vegetable matter. Composting is great to make fertilizer. Earthworms also break up the dead plants and excrete their own fertilizer.

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Composting vegetation waste returns nutrients to the soil.

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The answer is that earthworms help to build soil and fertilize

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Why do you have earthworms?

Earthworms help decompose organic matter in compost heaps and in the soil.

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earthworms like plants and they help plants grow.

How does earthworms help gardeners?


earn more about creating a worm composting bin?

Learn more about creating a worm composting bin.) Earthworms are hermaphrodites, meaning an individual worm has both male and female reproductive organs. Earthworm mating typically occurs after it has rained and the ground is wet. They emerge from the soil and jut out their anterior end.

How do earthworms help the environment?

Earthworms enrich the soil with their feces and allow air to get to the roots of plants.

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Earthworms help decompose

How do earthworms improve health of a garden?

Earthworms help improve the health of a garden because its feces fertilize it.