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Q: How do you think hamlets letter affected Claudius?
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What is Claudius the king of in Hamlet?

Claudius was hamlets Uncle and later became his stepfather because his mother Queen Gertrude married Hamlets uncle "Claudius".

Why do you think king claudiious points laertes in Hamlets direction?

Because by that point King Claudius knows that Hamlet knows the truth about king Hamlet's death, so he tries to get rid of Hamlet using Laertes.

Why do you suppose that king Claudius is so irritated by Hamlets persistent grief and melancholy?

He'd like everyone to forget all about King Hamlet. That way, nobody will wonder whether he died of a snakebite as was reported or not. The less people think about King Hamlet, the safer Claudius is. But Hamlet keeps on bringing it up.

What number Roman Emperor was claudius?

I think he was 4!

Why was Claudius important?

In terms of the play characters, Claudius is important because he's the villain, opposite Hamlet as the hero. During the play, when we think of the characters as real people, Claudius is important because he's the King.

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When Hamlet killed Polonius who did he think he was actually killing?

He thought he was killing Claudius.

Why does Hamlet not kill the king in act 3?

Well, the basic reason is that they're not in the Chapel. The setting is Claudius's private room, the King's Room. That's stated in the play dialogue. Guildenstern says it: "(the king) is in his retirement..." It's reference to the place Claudius retires for the night, his private quarters. When Claudius left the 'Mousetrap' play, he went to his own room. Claudius prays during the scene, and apparently the idea of praying has led some people to think the scene is in the Chapel, however, the actual play dialogue tells us otherwise. People don't have to be in a chapel to pray, and many people pray in their own rooms, of course, which is what Claudius does. Hamlet is discouraged from killing Claudius because he finds Claudius praying. Hamlet is afraid that if he kills Claudius at prayer, Claudius's soul will go straight to Heaven. However, the Ghost said, or very strongly implied, that the soul of Hamlet's father was in Purgatory. Hamlet doesn't see it as fair, that he could send Claudius to Heaven, when his own father is in Purgatory. Hamlet decides to wait for another opportunity later, when there's less chance of sending Claudius's soul to Heaven.

In Hamlet the universal conflict lies with Hamlet and who?

His Mother - I think Dr. Freud answered this. In my opinion its Him and Claudius because the entire time he trys to find a way to blame claudius.. but he himself is to scared to kill claudius until he finds out he is guilty, but he never kills him because he was praying in the church when he had his opportunity.

What news does Horatio bring about Hamlet?

that king claudius has placed a bet for hamlet to win the fencing match. "has laid a great wager on your head"

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