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See the image above. The snake has a rattle as well as a diamond-shaped pattern on its skin.

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Q: How do you think you would recognize a diamondback rattlesnake?
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Are the timber rattlesnake and eastern diamondback rattlesnake found in the same areas?

The eastern diamondback is larger than the timber rattlesnake, and they would probably ignore each other in the wild.

What would happen if a timber rattlesnake and diamondback rattlesnake bred?

It would produce a rarely seen variety called a timberback.

Who would win eastern diamondback rattlesnake or a American alligator?

It depends who strikes the first blow. While the alligator invariably has the stronger bite - and could sever the snake in two, the venom of the Diamondback Rattlesnake is extremely toxic.

What family does the diamondback rattlesnake belong to?

All rattlesnakes belong to the Viperidae (viper) family. They belong to the group of pit vipers out of pit vipers, puff adders, adders. So the diamondback rattlesnake would be in the Viper(idae) family.

What are 6 venomous snakes of the US?

Many different types of Rattlesnakes reside in the U.S, but the most common would be the Eastern Diamondback, Western Diamondback, Mojave Rattlesnake, Timber Rattlesnake, and the Spectecled Rattlesnake. Other Species include Cottonmouth, Sidewinders and 3 types of Coral Snakes.

What does a girl rattlesnake look like?

Male and female rattlesnakes look very similar. Only a snake keeper with a lot of experience would be able to tell the difference in gender without probing the snake. The length, width and taper of the tail would give a trained keeper a good idea of gender.

What is the diamondback rattlesnake feeding habits?

Indigo snakes as well as kingsnakes will eat rattlesnakes as well as cottonmouths. Take a look at this video:

What would win anaconda or diamondback rattlesnake?

Obviously the Frog because of the agileness and tinyness of the Frog. The anaconda would have no idea where the frog was and be very very baffled.

What happens when you get bitten by a diamondback rattlesnake?

It first depends on what you are asking. If you are asking how does one treat the snakebite, I would recomend going to a doctor. If it is a dry bite, it still needs to be treated like any other severe animal bite. If however it is not a dry bite and venom is injected, one needs to seek immediate medical attention, because a diamondback bite is often lethal if left untreated.If however the question is asking what happens to the body here is a list:Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox)ProteolysisHemorrhagingSkeletal DamageTissue DestructionPermenant Tissue LossGangrenePainSwellingBleedingNecrosisVarious other minor symptomsEastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (C. adamanteus)ProteolysisThrombosisHemolysisHemorrhagingParalysisNecrosisSevere Acute PainHypotensionInternal PainAs well as other minor symptomsRed Diamond Rattlesnake (C. ruber)ProteolysisHemorrhagingNecrosisAssorted minor symptomsPacific Rattlesnake (C. oreganus)ProteolysisHemorrhagingMuscular WeaknessSkeletal DamageAll Venom from Rattlesnakes are deadly if left untreated. I would recomend seeking immediate medical attention if bitten by any of the aforementioned die if you dont get anti-venom with in 30min

How many rattlesnake babies are born at one time?

That would depend upon the species. Female eastern diamondback rattlesnakes give birth to between seven and 21 young at a time.

How long is the adult eastern diamondback rattlesnake?

The largest ever was killed in North Carolina, Carteret County, in 1959. This snake was eight feet long, and was killed by a chicken farmer after he found the snake in one of his chicken coops. Most adults are three to five feet.

Would an eagle eat a rattlesnake?

Yes, it would, but the rattlesnake has poison.