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Q: How do you tie a kid to a chair?
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How do tie a person up?

Get some rope and tape. Find a kid. Take the kid. Tie his legs and arms. Gag him.

If Chicken is to meat then what is chair to?

chicken is a kind of meat ... so ... chair is a kid of FURNITURE .

How do you tie yourself up to a chair?

Well that depends what you are using I would go for dressing gown ties and belts because if no one knows about it you don't have to find an excuse to go shopping. So what you do is you get the dressing gown tie and tie it through the loops of the chair and onto the upper part of your arms and tie a bow so you can pull it out. The use the belt to tie your feet to the legs of the chair. It's best to have someone around to help though.

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Tie Dye beach chair

How can you hang yourself?

Tie a rope or a strong material into a noose, tie it to a tree, put the noose end around your neck and jump from a chair.

How do you tie someone up without them escaping?

If you are a girl be in a bra and under ware to be sexy then tell him you have a surprise for him then blind fold him and tie him and then what ever to him. If you are a boy blind her then tie her and then do what ever.

Did Pokemon max get tied up to a chair with tape on his mouth?

No he did not, that was the kid with Ninkada.

What are the rare silly bandz?

The tie-dye,glow in the dark, and the man in a rocking chair silly bandz.

What are the things that a chairperson should not do during a meeting?

The "chair" of the meeting is basically moderating the subject matter and keeping everyone on topic. The "chair" presides at the meeting and establishes (in most cases) the agenda for such meeting and calls it to order. In case of a tie vote, the chairman usually breaks the tie.

What are some bands that tie rock and rap together?

brokeNCYDE, Kid Rock

How dumb is Star Wars?

Not dumb at all. And if you call it dumb, i will tie you to a chair and force you to watch it until you like it.

What is the name of the poster of a man sitting in a low chair in front of speakers with his tie blowing?

"Blown Away" by Steve Steigman