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There is a large nut on the bottom of the trucks. Twist that clockwise using a wrench. That will tightan our trucks.

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Q: How do you tighten trucks on a skateboard?
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How tight do tighten your skateboard wheel?

on the inside of your wheel there is a little nut screwed to the bolt on the trucks, use a wrench to tighten that

Do you need spacers on a skateboard?

No, but they allow you to tighten down the trucks a lot more without sacraficing speed.

How do you break a skateboard bushing?

tighten your trucks alot or unscrew the truck and take off the bushing and snap it or something.

Why does skateboard curve when you want it to go straight?

Probably because your trucks aren't straight enough or because you need to tighten them.

What are 'bushings' on a skateboard and where do they go?

Bushing are usually the little white things iside of your trucks.... its your bushing that are being tightened when you tighten your trucks

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What skateboard trucks are there in Singapore?


What are skateboard trucks made of?

metal :)

What skateboard wheels are easier to turn on?

Wheels dont make a skateboard easier to turn on the skateboard trucks do that.

Is there any place this skateboard can be taken to be fixed it curves left when ridden?

Dude, loosen or tighten your trucks - until you get a good feel - Get a skate tool or a cresent/wrench, etc.

Which skateboard trucks are better Thunders or Independents Tell why pros cons of both and overall feel of truck?

Thunders skateboard trucks feel like a planking balancing on a point thus making it better than the Independents skateboard trucks.

Are 127mm trucks arlight on a 8 inch skateboard?

yes, a friend of mine's brother has 127mm trucks on an 8 inch skateboard and there fine