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Q: How do you trace the blood flow from a tooth to the heart and back?
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How do you trace blood from the left coronary artery to the apex of the heart and back to the right atrium?

A person can trace the blood flow from the left coronary artery to the apex of the heart and to the right atrium, by following inter ventricular artery. Blood also will move through the pulmonary semi lunar valve.

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i dont know, good luck

Do arteries carry blood back to the heart?

No, from the heart. The veins carry the blood back to the heart.

What describes the next step after the blood has traveled from the heart to the toes?

The blood returns to the heart through veins.

The blood vessels that carry blood back from the heart are called?

Veins carry blood back to the heart.

What takes blood back to the back to the heart?

Veins take blood back to the heart.

What blood vessels carry blood back to the heart from the lungs?

The pulmonary veins carry blood from the lungs back to the heart.

After donating blood how will you get the blood back?

your heart will pump more blood and then you get your blood back.

What are the blood vessels that direct blood toward the heart?

Veins move blood back to the heart. Think of the "V" as part of an arrow and the arrow is shooting the blood BACK to the heart.

What carries blood from your body back to the heart?

The veins carries the blood back to the heart using the circulatory system. It then stores the blood in the arteries and the heart pumps it back around the body.

Do arteries carry the blood back to the heart from the body?

Veins carry the blood back to the heart from the body. Arteries carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

Where does the blood get pumped from the body and back where?

Blood is pumped out of heart. It comes back to the heart. This circle goes on.