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Q: How do you trace the pathway of impulses through the nervous system in response to feeling the rain on your skin?
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What is the simplest pathway able to receive a stimulus enter the center nervous system for immediate interpretation and produce a response?

A reflex

The simplest pathway able to receive a stimulus enter the central nervous system for immediate interpretation and produce a response is known as a?


How do you draw a diagram showing the pathway of nerve impulses?


What is the pathway a stimulus followed to produce a response?

the neuron pathway

What is the most simple nervous system pathway?

The reflex arc is the simplest neural circuit.

Providing a pathway for the transmission of nerve impulses is the responsibility of the?

peripheral nerve system

What is the name of the short pathway that carries the impulse for an automatic response?

The short pathway that carries the impulse for an automatic response is called a reflex arc.

What type of nuerons conduct nerve impulses along an efferent pathway?

Motor neurons

What is the scientific name for nervous pathway switching sides?


What tract conveys nerve impulses for crude touch and pressure?

spinothalamic, it is a somatosensory pathway

How does the four major elements of a simple nervous pathway function during pain withdrawal reflex?

During a pain withdrawal reflex impulses are sent through different nerves and to the spinal cord. This reflex does not make it to the brain but only to the spinal cord. We call this involuntary action because we dont control reflexes. The sensory neurons are the first to recieve the impulse, then they travel to the interneurons, or associative neurons, and then they go to the motor neurons which carries the impulse to the central nervous system. Then the effector is the response, so in this case your musscle will contract.

Suprachiastic nuclei carry nerve impulses from the retina of the eye to the what?

When light enters the retina of the eyes, this signal is sent through the optic nerve to a region of the hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus. This pathway is called the retinohypothalamic tract. From the suprachiasmatic nucleus, nerve impulses via the sympathetic nervous system travel to the pineal gland and inhibit the production of melatonin. At night, these impulses stop (because no light stimulates the hypothalamus) and melatonin production ensues and is released into the body.