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You should tame with her which means to make her trust you. To make your hamster become tame, you should visit them more then once a day. You should also take him/her out of their cage and hold your hamster to make them feel safe and secure by cupping them with your hands. The more you do this each day the more she will trust you! Sometimes when you tame with her all the time, someday they will come and greet you!

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Hold out a treat and say "come." It will go to you for the treat, as it doesn't recognize the word. Do this many times everyday, and eventually, it will associate the word "Come" with a treat, therefore it will go to you in hopes of gaining a treat. This method will take some patience and may not work if the hamster is too old.

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Q: How do you train a hamster to come to you?
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How can you train a hammster?

you can train a hamster

If your hamster runs away from you does that mean it's scared of you?

If your hamster runs away from you, it might mean that he or she is afraid of you, but it might also mean that the hamster is simply not trained. You can train a hamster to come to you by rewarding the hamster with food each time it climbs onto your hand.

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You don't have to train it. If you just keep putting it on your shoulder it will be curious and crawl up. At least my hamster does.

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Yes, you can train a dog to do or not to do almost anything. <><><> However, the training can be really tough- on the hamster. Best bet- keep them apart.

How easy is it to train a hamster?

well, i know 1 trick rub your finger with your hamsters faorite food and stick it in the cage and hopfully he or she will come to you otherwise it is not easy

Can a hamster be litter trained?

Yes, they can be, but it is extremely difficult to do so- even if you bought a "Hamster Potty!" I have not managed to litter train my hamster, but i do know that it is possible but unlikely.

What hamster should you get that can be easily trained?

Hi there. You can pick any type of hamster you would like but all you have to do to train it is tame it.

If a hamster is 2 years old is it to late to train them?

to me at least i think its never to late to train a hamster even tho if its getting old it might start being slow and grumpy more, you may or may not be able to train it alot but yea you can train it and hey maybe it will cooperate

Is cassidy a good name for a hamster?

It sounds great, but if you want to train your hamster to know his/her name, try a shorter name, like Cass.

Is a Chinese hamster easier to handle then a Russian hamster?

Yes... because they are easier to train and dont bite as much .Russian hamsters hiss.

What do you do if you have a squirmy hamster?

the best way to introduce your hamster to handling is to let them come to your hand. if you were a hamster you wouldn't want to be grabbed! show that you are not a threat by putting your hand in the cage near the hamster without touching it and slowly moving it away from the hamster. this way your hamster is more likely to come to your hand. avoid quick movements as this will scare your hamster. when your hamster has had enough leave it or it wont come out when you are there. though it may take time, your hamster will gradualy get used to your hand and wont mind being held! i am in the process of taming my fourth hamster at the moment! hope i helped!