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Since it is very easy to incorrectly train a guard dog and wind up with an aggressive dog that attacks family and visitors, resulting in lawsuits, guard dogs should only be trained by professionals.

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YOU don't. You need to contact the police or a lawyer in your area, but I think you could wind up in jail. Most communities require you to defend yourself with minimum force, not maximum. Training "protection dogs" is for highly trained professionals only, it's not something an ordinary person can do safely. There's a reason why Dog Training books only tell you how to train your dog to sit, come, stay, etc. If you trained your dog to attack, and he hurt someone--burglar or not--you would be in serious trouble. He would be much more likely to attack the paper boy, mailman, or a Girl Scout. All those people are much more likely to come into your property than a burglar--how would the dog know who is who? It's not like burglars look or smell different from other people.

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If it is a guard dog it guards property, that is useful.

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A guard dog guards everything behind your fence or in your house, a protection dog will protect you outside your property, a watch dog will give alarm when someone enters your property. A rottweiler is an ideal guard dog.

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From what i know, you have train them to be a guard (Requires lots of patience) Hope this helped!

What is the best dog breed for protecting your property and children against neighborhood criminals i need a serious guard dog anyone know?

Probably the best guard dog is a Doberman Pinscher. They are very alert and active, and they are loyal to you as long as you train them well. They will do just fine with kids, but that is if it grows up with them . Children also need to be trained to respect the dog, because it is annoying and very painful to have one's tail pulled by a unrespectful child. Dobermans will not even tolerate it at all. If you manage to train it succesfully, then it would make a great guard dog and a companion as well.

You are wanting to get a guard dog for your property and you cant decide between a Doberman pinscher or a German Shepherd which would be more sufficient?

Well, it's hard to choose because some German Shepherds and Doberman Pinschers can be friendly and not attack thieves. You must get the dog when its young so you can teach it, but if you get a dog that is older than a year, it is much harder to train it because it won't listen to you anymore. So get a young dog and train it. But if you want a dog to learn how to guard real fast, then get a German Shepherd because they are smarter.

A large wolf like dog often used by the police or to guard property?

German Shepherd.

Do Boxer dogs make good guard dogs?

Well if you get a puppy you can train the puppy to be a good guard dog. Most boxers are not timid but it depends on the environment they grew up in.

How much money are guard dogs?

The cost of a guard dog depends on the breed, the type of training attained and the costof insurance. I would like to suggest your about

Are Jack Russell x rat terrier cross good for guarding chickens?

Umm... depending on how you train your dog has a BIG impact on weather it can guard chickens or not. We taught mine to hunt or kill small animals such as chickens so my dog couldn't possible guard chicken without eating them. But if you train your dog to guard chickens he could guard them but there is a small possibility that it may eat the chickens since that is what it was initially bred for.

Why are dobermans disliked?

Dobermanns were bred to guard their owners and their property so they have been bred to do this for hundreds of years. It is in their blood and instinct to protect - making them a perfect guard dog.

When was How to Train a Dog created?

How to Train a Dog was created in 1936.

How do i train my pitbull to guard?

You want your Pit to react aggressively? This really isn't a good idea. The only truly safe way to have a guard dog is to teach him to control his bite. This means training him in schutzhund or something similar.