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The active ingredient permethrin tends to treat any bugs that attack birch trees (Betula spp).

Specifically, bugs that commonly attack birch trees include bronze birch borers, Japanese beetles, leafhoppers, scale and spider mites. The timing of the permethrin treatment is important in each case. The following lists the application dates for the above-mentioned pests:

1. Bronze birch borers, mid-May to early, mid- or even late June;

2. Japanese beetles, late June to early July as well as August;

3. Leafhoppers, Spring to early summer, when bugs first are seen and before the stippling of leaf undersides becomes extensive;

4. Scale, crawler stage of particular scale in question;

5. Spider mites, late April to early May or September to October.

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12y ago

Fungicide or pruning are ways to treat disease of birch trees (Betula spp).

Specifically, birch tree disease tends to refer to anthracnose or canker. Anthracnose requires the application of a fungicide spray at budbreak or the first sign of disease, whichever comes first. Effective active ingredients range from chlorothalonil to thiophanate methyl. Fallen leaves need to be buried or burned. Burning or burying of diseased parts also is the only control for canker, which demands the removal of all affected tree parts below the canker site.

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