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Q: How do you treat diarrhea in cattle?
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What is an antidiarrheal?

An antidiarrheic is an agent used to prevent or treat diarrhea.

What is on sale to treat diarrhea in infants?

Pedialytle is generally considered to be a good over the counter remedy used to treat diarrhea in infants. yogurt is also a well known remedy to help infants with diarrhea.

What are some ways to treat diarrhea in dogs?

One of the most effective ways to treat diarrhea is to take 'Imodium'. Imodium is an opioid drug used specifically to treat diarrhea. One can also use products such as 'Dioralyte' which will prevent one from becoming dehydrated from diarrhea.

How do you treat diarrhea in rats?

Try giving it an enema.

How do you treat a horses with diarrhea?

Deny him of any grass or vegatables only for a week or until the diarrhea stops :)

How does the men treat Helios's cattle?

They disobey Odysseus and eat the cattle while Odysseus is taking a nap.

What diseases does evodia fruit treat?

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches.

What do you do to stop diarrhea in cows?

Find out WHY they are having diarrhea, because diarrhea can only be a symptom to a disease. Never treat the symptom, treat the disease. Cows can have diarrhea from something as serious as Johne's Disease or Bovine Viral Diarrhea, neither of which can be treatable and result in making the difficult choice of culling out your cow herd of those cows that are not only sick, but potentially carriers as well. You're better off to get the veterinarian out to see what's going on instead of trying to find a way to treat a symptom.

What is the drug lomotil used to treat?

Lotomil is a brand name for diphenoxylate hydrochloride and atropine sulfate and is used to treat diarrhea.

How we can differentiate between healthy and diseased cattle?

Check temperature, look at mucuous membranes, possibly diarrhea.

How do you treat anal pain caused by diarrhea?

take a bath in epsom salt.

What will ciprofloaxacin treat?

Ciprofloaxacinan is an antibiotic used to treat various types of infections, whos side effects are nausea, drowsiness and diarrhea.