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The treatment of excess bile in a cat's orange stool should be done under the supervision of a vet trained to handle healthcare of animals. There is no home remedy to treat this issue.

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Q: How do you treat excess bile in cat's orange stool?
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What is the treatment for insufficient bile in stool?

Have an ERCP to make sure there is no blockage in your bile duct

Can pregnancy cause green stool?

No, eating certain foods is more likely the cause of green stools. Excess bile, secreted from the gallbladder can also cause stools to be green.

What does a brown stool mean?

There are a variety of reasons. The common pathway that accounts for pale stool is an relative absence of bile in the stool (since breakdown products of bile give stool its color). This could be due to a defect in the liver apparatus that excretes bile into the stool, for example. It could also be due to an obstruction in the bile duct system that transmits bile from the liver to the small intestine. The distinction between each can be made by a physician by running common tests called liver function tests (LFTs) in the context of a proper history and physical exam.

What causes pale brown?

There are a variety of reasons. The common pathway that accounts for pale stool is an relative absence of bile in the stool (since breakdown products of bile give stool its color). This could be due to a defect in the liver apparatus that excretes bile into the stool, for example. It could also be due to an obstruction in the bile duct system that transmits bile from the liver to the small intestine. The distinction between each can be made by a physician by running common tests called liver function tests (LFTs) in the context of a proper history and physical exam.

What is human bile?

bile is an enzyme secreted from human liver,excess of liver toxification secretes more bile juice.

What is the cause of yellowish beige stool in humans?

undigested fat. ?problem bile.

What is billirubin?

the orange-yellow pigment in bile.

Which is not a result of hypertension?

The liberal excretes excess cholesterol in bile

How do you treat yellow bile?

I treat bile reflux with a prescription medicine called carafate.It works great to coat the stomach & help you feel better

What is the color of bilirubin?

The color of Bilirubin is orange Bilirubin is an orange color pigment in the bile

What can cause light stool?

it is either caused by digestion of certain foods or there is a blockage of bile in the gall bladder.

What means bile duct secretes excess bile juice?

It means that the liver and bile duct are producing more bile than it should. This can be the result of many different conditions or illnesses, and can cause discomfort and problems with digestion.