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1. Measure your temperature with a digital thermomether.

2. If your temperature is higher than 37.6 degree celcius, take some medication.

3. Get enough rest, drink lots of water.

4. If symptoms persist after 3 days, consult your doctor.

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12y ago

I had Peurperal fever after giving birth in November 1976. After being discharged from the nursing home with stiches from an episiotomy (from giving birth to being stiched i wasn't cleaned up- no wonder i ended up with an infection) i also had a raging dental abcess stoped at the dentist to have it drained on way home. Within hours i developed a really high temperature and in agony the only position i could be in was on my side with a pillow between my thighs , i couldn't sit because of the pain. My mother (she was looking after my baby for me as i was unable and husband working) was determined that she was calling a Doctor i was equally determined she wasn't, when i got out of bed to go to toilet next morning about 500mls of fluid gushed from my vagina it had the same colour of coffee with milk that had been left to go cold. The midwife took one look at me and apparently had a fight with my GP who was refusing to come out for a visit? Anyhow i was a "blue light" ambulance job. The treatment included being admitted to an infection control ward, where each patient has their own room. Staff when entering wash hands and don a disposable apron before coming into contact with me ( 1. I felt isolated no one to talk too. 2. I felt i must be a very "dirty" person because of all the hand washing before and after touching me - no one explained what was happening.) Once the venflon (iv for a drip) was inserted i was given IV antibiotics Gentimicin and Clindamycin one every 6 hours the other 8 hourly, iv fluids. The Doctor took a bacteriology swab from my vagina i just about screamed the place down with the pain - i would have willingly undergone a leg being amputated without anaesthetic or painkillers - just so you get an idea of the pain oh i didn't mention although i was married and my baby was 8 days old and not allowed anywhere near me, i was only 19 years old not really scared but wished people would leave me alone to sleep. I was unconscious for i don't know how long but i did have an out of body experience where i discovered more peace of mind than i ever thought possible ( Im an Anaesthetic Nurse these days and my Doctor colleagues tell me this is a typical response of a hypoxic brain !) As having Peurperal Fever was such a rare event in 1976 The Prof in charge of my care loved to take medical students to tell them all about my case - aparently antibiotics to cure it had only been around for 5 years previously otherwise i wouldn't be here. As i got better my IV had to be resited several times because of it tissuing and the pain of iv antibiotics being injected, i ended up with phlebitis and a superficial vein thrombosis.

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