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Rinse the mouth out immediately and phone poison control. If you can't talk have someone tell the person what type of chemical it is. It seriously depends on the kind of toxic substance adminstered.

Treatment is done by many ways including drinking large amount of fluids like water, inducing vomiting if there is no risk of aspiration, sometimes using gastric lavage if the patient is in coma, or using specific antidote for the toxin.

But it is strongly recommended that in case of poisoning by any way, to call the nearest toxicolgy center or hospital for the appropriate emergency treatment for each case. Do not induce vomiting. First things first. Call 911. Call poison control center if you have it. Do not induce vomiting on chemical poisons because they can cause burns on the mouth, throat and esophagus. If they vomit this caustic material back up, now they can burn the area twice. Not a good idea and safer to have it pumped out at the emergency room.

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12y ago

I haven't a clue except get to the ER as fast as you can.

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