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You will need to talk to a plastic surgeon. I'm sure it will be expensive but totally doable depending on the ethics of the surgeon. The easiest way would probably be for them to tortch your tongue to burn them off. But There's no true way to get rid of your taste buds because they are like lil organisms on your tongue but you can burn them off but it will only last but so long. they will eventually grow back

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Listerine the Mouth wash will make you lose them for like 1-2weeks

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Q: How do you turn off your taste buds?
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How do you turn your taste buds on?

this link has the answer:

What is fat What is an example of it?

Fat is a concentrated source of energy and has positive effects on taste buds. When you eat fat your taste buds turn possitive or happy because its addicting and people made it that way so it fits your taste buds :-)

Does helium have a taste?

No. It is completely unreactive, so it won't set off your taste buds.

What three types of cells are found in taste buds?

The different taste buds are the cellulite taste buds, the cobolosal taste buds and the pencil shavings taste buds . I hope my answers help you in future.

Where are you're taste buds?

the sour taste buds are beside the sweet one.

Do your taste buds taste mayones?

Yes your taste buds can taste mayonnaise, unless all of your taste buds are dead, than you cant taste anything.

Are there taste buds in your nose?

No, there are no taste buds in your nose.

Can taste buds fall off the tongue?

no but you can burn them severely to where you can tell they are not working actually there are a few viruses that cause you to lose your taste bud--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes. your taste buds CAN fall of your tongue. If you burnt your tongue or if you ate too much salty foods. But it will grow back. So don't worry if it ever happens to you..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What are boy taste buds?

Almost every body has taste buds but girls have more than boys. There are no actual girl taste buds nor boy taste buds.

How many taste buds are on the tongue?

there are 4 taste buds

What is the layer of taste buds on your tongue called?

taste buds

Are ice breakers sours bad for one's throat?

No, but if you eat enough of them they will begin to wear off your taste buds but do not worry because taste buds grow back.