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pick apart two clip on ties. this shouldnt require two much force. once you have done that, leave one tie its full length, and the otoerh, chop it at the required length and a bit longer. tuck the cut up tie into the thin end of the other and sew a few stitches into it to secure, the two pointless clip ons should now have been converted into one, fully functioning.. normal length tie :)

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Q: How do you turn two clip-on ties into a normal tie?
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Related questions

Are bowties harder to tie than regular ties?

Yes, bow ties are harder to tie than regular ties. If one checks different websites and videos that provide tutorials of how to tie a tie/bow tie, the level of difficulty of tying bow ties is always rated much higher.

How do you spell the plural of tie?

The plural of "tie" is spelled as "ties."

How do you tie a tie backwards?

tie it the right way round, then turn it backwards. or else tie it on yourself loosley and then put it on the other person who cant tie the tie It's a long story but me if you are really really interested! I'm an expert at tying ties as so!

Are bow ties better or ties?

In my points of view, both ties will look better the shirt, skinny tie or bow tie in any ceremony. You can get best Skinny Ties from Skinny Tie Madness at affordable prices. I think it will help you.

What is the plural of tie?


What purpose does a tie serve?

A tie is simply for adornment, there is no functional reason for wearing a tie. Men wear ties for formal occasions, work, and also for uniforms. The most common ties are neckties and bow ties.

Where can one get information on tying a tie?

Many people need help with this as ties are not worn as often as they used to be. The best way to learn is to watch somebody else and follow what they do, and therefore the videos on YouTube demonstrating tie tying are an excellent source of information. There are demonstrations of "normal" ties and also the more complicated tying of a bow tie.

What is the history behind the bow tie?

A bow tie is defined as a man's tie that ties in a bow around the collar of a shirt with collar, it ties in a proportionate fashion. The bow tie initiated from Croatia in the 17 century.

Why did my dad where 2 bow ties?

Because it was a tie of the bow ties so he wore both

What are the ties called in Gossip Girl?

Grossover tie.

What kind of equipment could someone purchase at Cable Ties Direct?

The type of equipment that one can purchase from Cable Ties Direct are: Standard, Specialty, Cable Tie Gun, Stainless Steel Cable Ties, Adhesive Cable Tie Mounts and Releasable Cable Ties.

Usually, how many ties does a tie rack hold?

It all depends on which tie rack you buy and from what company and what model. With that said the average tie rack is usually designed to hold 64 ties but you can fit up to one hundred.