

How do you type HTML color font?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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For the entire page, in the body tag you can use the text attribute. So if you wanted the colour to be gold, you would have:

For individual elements of the page, you can use the font tag like this:

That will continue having the text as gold until the font tag is closed. You can also change colours within tags using the style attribute.

This text is red in colour.

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11y ago
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17y ago

ok right click on your desk top screen, go down to properties, go over to apperience, click on the advanced button and from there you can change just about whatever you want to that has to do with the apperience of your desktop. I hope this helps you with costomising your pc!

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15y ago

To specify the color of the text to be displayed in the web page use the attribute TEXT=".." the value being the color hex code you want. It should look like this: this example will give you white text throughout your page. To add a colored background, use the attribute BGCOLOR=".." inside the start Body tag using the color you want as the value. It should look like this: this example will give you a black background, and at the end of your HTML document you close the Body You can set the value="..." of the background to what ever you like. The two examples together will look like this: You will then have a black web page background with white text

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11y ago

If you are using a stylesheet, placing the following:

a:link, a:visited, a:active {

color: #FF0000;


Would change the color of your link. However, if you want to change it using inline style sheet, using this code should do it:

<a style="color: #FF0000" href="page.html" >Link Text</a>

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6y ago

To make the background a different color, you can use the tag attribute: backgroundExample:



background: #121212;



color: white;



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10y ago

You can use the opening and closing tag to define text size, where x substitues the size value.

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15y ago

<font color="white">TEXT</font> or,

<font color="#FFFFFF">TEXT</font>

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9y ago

The font color of the HTML code can be changed while in web page. It can be done using style="font-color:your-color".

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What is the definition of font color?

Font color is the color of a font on a computer screen, on a printed document, or in HTML/CSS/web design (the website's font color). Hope that helps.

What is a basic color name in HTML?

The standard color for any HTML page is Black. Unless you specify otherwise, the browser would display all text inside a web page in black color font. You can specify the font type, color size etc using the &lt;Font&gt; tag that HTML provides us. Ex: &lt;Font face = "Verdana" color = "Red" size = "10"&gt; will display text in Verdana font, red color and 10 pixels high in size.

How do you use color tag in HTML?

You don't use color as a 'tag' so-to-speak. To specify a color you have to add the color attribute to a HTML element. For example:your_text_here

What is the difference between 'text font' and 'font style'?

The font type is what it looks. There are quite a lot of them. Font size is the size of them.

What does values mean in HTML?

The values specify the properties of the attribute which provide additional information about HTML element. For example: the element Font will have an attribute to define the color of the font, and the value will be the color. This information is used in the start tag. &lt;font face="arial"&gt;This is arial font&lt;/font&gt; ="arial" is the value. (Element Attribute= "value"&gt; General values could include size= "2" ( "2" is the value to define the size of the font in pixels) or color = "000000" (="000000" is the value to define the color of the font)

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&lt;FONT style="FONT-WEIGHT:normal; FONT-SIZE:85pt; COLOR:#Blue; LINE-HEIGHT:100pt; FONT-FAMILY:Georgia; LETTER-SPACING:-15px"&gt; TYPE FONT HERE &lt;/FONT&gt; use this HTML, you can change the size of the text by changing the font size in the HTML

What is the definition of font color?

Font color is the color of a font on a computer screen, on a printed document, or in HTML/CSS/web design (the website's font color). Hope that helps.

What is a basic color name in HTML?

The standard color for any HTML page is Black. Unless you specify otherwise, the browser would display all text inside a web page in black color font. You can specify the font type, color size etc using the &lt;Font&gt; tag that HTML provides us. Ex: &lt;Font face = "Verdana" color = "Red" size = "10"&gt; will display text in Verdana font, red color and 10 pixels high in size.

How does HTML code works?

you type the code and create the website, and the code designes the size, color, font, etc.

How do you put color on your text for websites?

If you're using HTML, the script of &lt;font color="XXX"&gt;Text goes here&lt;/font&gt;

How do you use color tag in HTML?

You don't use color as a 'tag' so-to-speak. To specify a color you have to add the color attribute to a HTML element. For example:your_text_here

How do you change the color of the font when sending a comment on Friendster?

well,in order to change the color of your font in friendster comments,, you must use the HTML properties.. just like this one.. &lt;font color="white"&gt;your comment here&lt;/font&gt; just try this..

What is the difference between 'text font' and 'font style'?

The font type is what it looks. There are quite a lot of them. Font size is the size of them.

What does values mean in HTML?

The values specify the properties of the attribute which provide additional information about HTML element. For example: the element Font will have an attribute to define the color of the font, and the value will be the color. This information is used in the start tag. &lt;font face="arial"&gt;This is arial font&lt;/font&gt; ="arial" is the value. (Element Attribute= "value"&gt; General values could include size= "2" ( "2" is the value to define the size of the font in pixels) or color = "000000" (="000000" is the value to define the color of the font)

How do you set font size?

In HTML: &lt;font size=1&gt;Smallest&lt;/font&gt; &lt;font size=3&gt;Normal&lt;/font&gt; &lt;font size=7&gt;Largest&lt;/font&gt; The font tag can also have the color and face defined. &lt;font size=3 color=red face=arial&gt;Normal&lt;/font&gt; However, the FONT tag is deprecated and has been removed from current versions of [X]HTML. Instead, use CSS to specify font size. For example: h1 {font-size: 2em; } div.fineprint { font-size: .85em; }

When text are a different color on a website referred to as what?

HTML Tagcolors are defined in the Font Attributes

How do you make the words different colors on MySpace?

it's a simple HTML tag. for orange, you would do &lt;font color=orange&gt;text here&lt;/font color=orange&gt; it works for basically any color. if you want to get really specific about it, use xhtml, which is advanced HTML, and you can put it the exact id of the color.