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Q: How do you unfan someone on wattpad?
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Where can you have someone read and review your novel and give commentary?

You can post it to Wattpad and people can read it and comment.

Can someone help me find a book on wattpad?

Sure, you can search for books on Wattpad by entering keywords in the search bar on the platform. You can also browse through different genres and categories to discover new books. Additionally, you can explore recommended reading lists and featured stories to find popular books on Wattpad.

How do you get soft copies of stories from wattpad?

To obtain soft copies of stores from Wattpad one may look to the Wattpad site. There they will find many options such as fantasy to obtain a soft copy of.

What does private use on Wattpad mean?

I believe it means that nobody can see your stories on wattpad (except yourself).

How can you download wattpad to mobile?

You just have to search up the Wattpad app on the application store, depending on your device. :)

Do you need wi-fi for wattpad?

Yes. The app Wattpad needs WiFi and Data in order to use it.

Where can you read salivation by Ikillfaguts?

"Ikillfaguts" is a Wattpad writer, so you can read "Salivation" on their Wattpad profile. Just go to the Wattpad website or app, search for Ikillfaguts, and you should be able to find the story there.

Does Wattpad have the full Divergent book on it?

No. Wattpad is where anyone can post there stories for the community to read. Published books cannot be found on Wattpad.

Does wattpad show real stories?

It depends. If an authorized author has a Wattpad account, they'll post either a full book or several chapters as a sample to attract readers. However, if a Wattpad writer publishes their Wattpad story because it becomes very popular, the unrevised version will usually still be up.

What are some good popular Justin Bieber fan fiction stories on Wattpad Please no hate?

There is one called "Claimed- Justin bieber". It is on Wattpad. You can find a lot of good ones there on wattpad. It's free!

Is there a Wattpad app for Sony psvita?

No, there is currently no official Wattpad app available for Sony PS Vita. You can access Wattpad through its website on the PS Vita's web browser, but the experience may not be optimized for the device.