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You go to the train station on the second day after you first take a nap. Then go to the train station and you'll bump Emmett.

You give him your handkerchief after he falls but say that he can keep the handkerchief.

On day 10 you go back to YOUR time and Cole should be there. But by doing this you cannot unlock Emmett though.

OR you could do the quick way.

Cheat Code: guyaissercetlyace: unlocks cole

ddrripoffssftw: max cole

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Q: How do you unlock Cole Stratford from Chrono Days Sim Date by Pacthesis?
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What are the cheats for chrono days sim date by pacthesis?

Chrono Days Sim Date, By PacthesisCheats:pillshere (2000 HP)fastforward (brings you to last day)coolstorybro ($1000, 2000 HP, and items)itstimeforinflation ($1000)donottrytrainjumpingathome (unlocks Emmet Startford)guyaissecretlyace (unlocks Cole Stratford)screwtherulesihavemoney (unlocks Oz)ohgoditsinfmajor (unlocks Bianca Hayes)Nathan Kinsley - RedheadgingersamedifferenceRoland Churchill- wegotsnakesonaplaneOz - allsimboysarerobotsanywayTeddy Emmick- fanboyofaboybandLandon Emmick- nerdsirldontlookthishandsomeCole Stratford- ddrripoffsftwEmmett Stra - insovietrussiayouhealbandageBianca - doublerainbowprideAll Characters- whatisthisidonteven

How to unlock Emmett from Chrono Days Sim Date by Pacthesis?

You go to the train station on the second day after you first take a nap. Then go to the train station and you'll bump into him. You give him your handkerchief after he falls but DO NOT say that he can keep the handkerchief. He'll promise to bring it back then he leaves. On day 10 you go back to the train station and he should be there. But by doing this you cannot unlock Cole.

How do you unlock Cole from Chrono days?

On day two let Emmett have your handkerchief. Then on day 11 or 12 time travel back into the future. Then Cole should be dancing on the Saki dance thing and some dude will try to flirt with you. Then Cole saves you. After that you can see him at the library.

How do you unlock cole chrono days?

On day two let Emmett have your handkerchief. Then on day 11 or 12 time travel back into the future. Then Cole should be dancing on the Saki dance thing and some dude will try to flirt with you. Then Cole saves you. After that you can see him at the library.

What gift does cole like in chrono days sim?

Cole like tokens and a bar of chocolate.

How unlock cole in chrono days sim date?

After you meet Emmett on the train station at day 2, and after Teddy brings you back to the future on day 5. Around day 10 you will meet Cole on the Saki Dance machine and after that you can meet him on the Library

How do you unlock cole from chrono sim date?

After you meet Emmett on the train station at day 2, and after Teddy brings you back to the future on day 5. Around day 10 you will meet Cole on the Saki Dance machine and after that you can meet him on the Library. If you wanna unlock him right away the cheat code is : guyaissecretlyace. Hope it helped :)

How do you unlock Cole from Chrono Days Sim Date?

On day 2 go to the train station and let Emmett have your handkerchief. Then on day 10 time travel back into the future. Cole should be dancing on the Saki dance.. After that you can see him at the library. Just remember that its either Emmett or Cole... you cant have both... Cheat Code: guyaissecretlyace :unlocks cole ddrripoffssftw: max cole

What are the cheats for Chrono days sim date?

Chrono Days Sim Date, By PacthesisCheats:pillshere (2000 HP)fastforward (brings you to last day)coolstorybro ($1000, 2000 HP, and items)itstimeforinflation ($1000)donottrytrainjumpingathome (unlocks Emmet Startford)guyaissecretlyace (unlocks Cole Stratford)screwtherulesihavemoney (unlocks Oz)ohgoditsinfmajor (unlocks Bianca Hayes)Nathan Kinsley - RedheadgingersamedifferenceRoland Churchill- wegotsnakesonaplaneOz - allsimboysarerobotsanywayTeddy Emmick- fanboyofaboybandLandon Emmick- nerdsirldontlookthishandsomeCole Stratford- ddrripoffsftwEmmett Stra - insovietrussiayouhealbandageBianca - doublerainbowprideAll Characters- whatisthisidonteven(Dont put spaces between them)

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Chrono Days Sim Date, By PacthesisCheats:pillshere (2000 HP)fastforward (brings you to last day)coolstorybro ($1000, 2000 HP, and items)itstimeforinflation ($1000)donottrytrainjumpingathome (unlocks Emmet Startford)guyaissecretlyace (unlocks Cole Stratford)screwtherulesihavemoney (unlocks Oz)ohgoditsinfmajor (unlocks Bianca Hayes)Nathan Kinsley - RedheadgingersamedifferenceRoland Churchill- wegotsnakesonaplaneOz - allsimboysarerobotsanywayTeddy Emmick- fanboyofaboybandLandon Emmick- nerdsirldontlookthishandsomeCole Stratford- ddrripoffsftwEmmett Stra - insovietrussiayouhealbandageBianca - doublerainbowprideAll Characters- whatisthisidonteven(Dont put spaces between them)Enjoy ^.^

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Chrono Days Sim Date, By PacthesisCheats:pillshere (2000 HP)fastforward (brings you to last day)coolstorybro ($1000, 2000 HP, and items)itstimeforinflation ($1000)donottrytrainjumpingathome (unlocks Emmet Startford)guyaissecretlyace (unlocks Cole Stratford)screwtherulesihavemoney (unlocks Oz)ohgoditsinfmajor (unlocks Bianca Hayes)Nathan Kinsley - RedheadgingersamedifferenceRoland Churchill- wegotsnakesonaplaneOz - allsimboysarerobotsanywayTeddy Emmick- fanboyofaboybandLandon Emmick- nerdsirldontlookthishandsomeCole Stratford- ddrripoffsftwEmmett Stra - insovietrussiayouhealbandageBianca - doublerainbowprideAll Characters- whatisthisidonteven(Dont put spaces between them)

Chrono Days sim date cheats?

Chrono Days Sim Date, By PacthesisCheats:pillshere (2000 HP)fastforward (brings you to last day)coolstorybro ($1000, 2000 HP, and items)itstimeforinflation ($1000)donottrytrainjumpingathome (unlocks Emmet Startford)guyaissecretlyace (unlocks Cole Stratford)screwtherulesihavemoney (unlocks Oz)ohgoditsinfmajor (unlocks Bianca Hayes)Nathan Kinsley - RedheadgingersamedifferenceRoland Churchill- wegotsnakesonaplaneOz - allsimboysarerobotsanywayTeddy Emmick- fanboyofaboybandLandon Emmick- nerdsirldontlookthishandsomeCole Stratford- ddrripoffsftwEmmett Stra - insovietrussiayouhealbandageBianca - doublerainbowprideAll Characters- whatisthisidonteven(Dont put spaces between them)Enjoy ^.^