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you don't. it gives you a new bird everytime.

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Q: How do you unlock birds on flappy bird?
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Related questions

Do flappy birds have a ending leavl?

Nope, Flappy Bird is an endless game.

Who is the creater of flappy birds?

A man named Dong Nguyen is the creator of Flappy Bird.

Is there such thing as Flappy Bird on Wii?

No, Flappy Bird is not available on the Nintendo Wii

Can you beat flappy bird?

No, you can't beat Flappy Bird. Flappy Bird is and endless game, you can only try to beat your own high score.

What is the highest score in flappy bird?

The highest Flappy Bird high score is 412.

Is flappy bird for free as an app or do you have to pay for it?

I believe it is a free app. You can check on your ipod by tapping on App Store>Search>"Flappy Birds">tap app>look at price.

Why did flappy bird shut down?

Flappy Birds shut down because of people from Mario in Nintendo sued the FLappy Bird company for having the Mario tubes and then a student murdered another because he had a higher score tahn him so the court decided to delete the app from the app store.

Which is better Minecraft or Flappy Bird?

Although Flappy Bird is addicting, Minecraft definately wins. There's so much to do, and there's no limits. Heck, somebody made Flappy Bird IN Minecraft.

Why is flappy bird so addicting?

Flappy bird is so addicting because it is very a good and engaging game.

How do you get flappy bird after it was deleted?

You can download it from tongbu or if your friend had it. From tongbu download the app and the one for mac or windows. Then just search for flappy bird in tongbu. To get it from your friend just log into their apple account and just go to the update section of the app store. Then you will find purchased and search for flappy birds. For andriod idk because i have a ipod touch.

Is flappy bird a famous game?

I would say that Flappy Bird is a famous game becuase a lot of people have been downloading this game.

How much money can you get for a device with flappy bird on it?

How much money you can get for a device with the Flappy Bird game on it depends on the type of device and condition of the device.