

How do you upload a movie to YouTube?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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First you have to convert the movie to .FLV (YouTube format)

Second you have to get a video editor and split the movie into 10 minute sections

Then finally just upload to youtube

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Open iMovie and then open the movie that you want to upload to Youtube. Now, open the iMovie to youtube export screen by clicking File>Export>iMovie to Youtube. In the iMovie to Youtube export screen, set the video clip to upload, the video quality, the title and description to upload, the category and tags to upload, the youtube channel to upload to(optional), the advanced settings and then press the upload button.

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Upload to Youtube and use the code.

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Upload it to youtube first, then put the youtube video on your profile or download a video converter program google ---> wmv - mp4 converter Convert the video then upload it

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Purchase the iMovie app and upload the movie to YouTube.

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Yes. You just have to publish it as a .wmv file, and then you can upload that to YouTube.

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Make the movie. Upload it to YouTube. Make sure it doesn't violate their term of use.