

How do you us reluctant in a sentence?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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I answered this question with great reluctance.

You can use it as an adverb, too.

I reluctantly answered this question.
His reluctance to answer the awkward question rewarded him with an interruption from the bus driver.

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12y ago
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9y ago

I am reluctant to answer this question, just in case I might be wrong.

The student was reluctant to tell the principal who had thrown the ruler across the room because it was his friend who did it.

I am reluctant to lend money to friends.

Although reluctant to go to the party, he enjoyed it immensely.

She acted reluctant so I thought she didn't want to come to my house.

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My girlfriend is reluctant to make love with me, as she doubts i may be infected with HIV.

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