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...QBASIC program code...




PRINT MID$(name$,startCharPos%,howManyChars%)




The MID$() function allows you to select characters from out of a string.

In the above case the string is,...



J= string position 1

a= string position 2

c= string position 3

k= string position 4

...thus, if we select MID$(name$,2,2)...

...this code is actually from the name...the character which begins at position 2 = a/and, extract 2 characters going along from there... = ac.

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Q: How do you use MID function in qbasic?
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The MID function is used to extract some text from the middle of an existing piece of text. If you wanted to get characters from the start of text, you can use the LEFT function, but that is not sufficient if you wanted to start extracting text from the middle of a piece of text. Using the MID function you can start at any point in the text and get an amount of characters from it. You specify the text, then the starting point and then the amount of characters you want. For example, the following will give you BCD by starting at the second character and getting three characters from it. =MID("ABCDEF",2,3) There are lots of times MID can be useful. Sometimes you can use the find function to find a character to start from, like finding the first space, and starting from there. So suppose you have a list of names that include titles like Mr. or Mrs. and you want to find the first letter of the surname. That would require finding the first space and then the next character. So if you had Mr. Smith in cell B2, to extract the S you would use the MID function and the FIND function like this: =MID(B2,FIND(" ",B2)+1,1)

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