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CQC is preformed by manipulating the R1 button and other buttons in conjunction.

Punch/Combo: Tap the R1 button multiple times

Chokehold: Hold R1

Throw: Press R1 to grab in conjunction with moving the right stick in the direction you wish to throw.

Take Hostage: Hold R1 and then press and hold L1. This will raise your equipped CQC compatible weapon in front of you.

Disarm: Grab (R1) and then press R1 again before you complete the grab to make the enemy drop his weapon.

Kill: Hold R1 and then press Triangle.

Drag: Complete hold and then move left thumbstick in the direction you wish to move.

CQC Hide: Hold enemy (R1) then press X to go from standing to crouch to prone lowering your visibility.

Stealth throw: Press R1 and hold. Then press R1 and the left thumbstick together in the direction you want to place the enemy. Either a push in front to hold up. Or along the side of Snake for an easier hold up.

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15y ago

It stands for "CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT". Equip a had held weapon (KNIFE) and then get close and press R1.

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It is best to hire a professional to install garage cabinets if you do not know how to do it. By watching a tutorial or reading a DIY book you'll be able to do it yourself.

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Q: How do you use cqc on Metal Gear Solid 4?
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To CQC grab an enemy in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, approach them and hold down the circle button. You can then walk around to use them as a human shield, of tap the circle button repeatedly to strangle them.

What type of CQC does Snake use in the Metal Gear series?

Unlike Martial Arts, there is no "type." The technique is called CQC (close quarters combat.) It was developed by Naked Snake and The Boss. in METAL GEAR SOLID 3, most of the moves NAKED SNAKE uses are from JUDO.

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No, But You Can Use Emulators.

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No, Trophies weren't use until late 2008.

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simply equip the skill "scanner" and inject with triangle when u cqc capture someone with it selected in your item box. BEST OT USE IN TSNE.

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