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I told my friend to daintily pick the cup up beacause it was really fragile.

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Q: How do you use daintily in a sentence?
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What is a sentence for daintily?

You wrote your question so harshly but I answered it so daintily.

How do you make a sentence with the word daintily in it?

She very daintily walked through the garden. Another good example sentence for this word is, the little girl daintily danced around like a ballerina.

The word daintily in a sentence?

He wished to present a gallant appearance in the saddle on his departure, and a more daintily, carefully clad cavalier could scarcely be imagined.The doe was feeding, daintily cropping the tender leaves of the young shoots, and turning from time to time to regard her offspring.He dresses better than any of us, I think, and is daintily polite.she went forward switching her skirt, and took a slip daintily from the box

What is a good sentence with the word daintly?

She daintily picked up her tea, but dropped it when it burnt her.

What is the definition of daintily?

"daintily" is the adverb for 'delicately beautiful' or 'charming'

What part of speech is the word daintily?

The word "daintily" is an adverb. It describes how something is done, in a delicate or refined manner.

Does the word daintily have a base word?

Yes, the base word of "daintily" is "dainty," which means delicately small or pretty. "Daintily" is the adverb form of "dainty" and describes how something is done delicately or with elegance.

What part of speech is daintily?

The word daintily is an adverb. It means to do something in a dainty manner.

Is nibbled and daintily synonyms?

Nibbled means "small bites" and daintily mean "delicately". Those two words don't mean the same, but daintily eating would be nibbling.

What rhymes with daintily?


What rhymes with faintly?


What is an adverb for dainty?
