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Q: How do you use echo in oracle with example?
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Use the Oracle revoke command Example: revoke execute on procedure from user;

How do you create batch file which start the oracle services?

Use the following batch file REM This batch file is used to start/stop the oracle instance REM Simply invoke oracle.bat start/stop cls @ECHO off REM ****************************************************************** REM ** Batch file used to stop/start oracle services REM ****************************************************************** if(%1)==(start) GOTO START if(%1)==(stop) GOTO STOP echo Invalid use. Usage is oracle.bat stop/start GOTO END :START REM ** START the oracle services echo Starting Oracle Services REM change the instance/listener names to match what is in your services list NET START "OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener" NET START "OracleServiceINNOVATEST" NET START "Oracle INNOVATEST VSS Writer Service" NET START "OracleDBConsoleInnovaTest" NET START "OracleJobSchedulerINNOVATEST" echo Oracle Services Started GOTO END :STOP echo Stopping Oracle Services REM change the instance/listener names to match what is in your services list NET STOP "Oracle INNOVATEST VSS Writer Service" NET STOP "OracleDBConsoleInnovaTest" NET STOP "OracleJobSchedulerINNOVATEST" NET STOP "OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener" NET STOP "OracleServiceINNOVATEST" echo Oracle Services Stopped GOTO END :END maovandara

How do you use the word oracle in a sentence?

Here is an example sentence with the word "oracle":It was almost hard to believe that the sun god Apollo was speaking through the Oracle of Delphi as she sat there in front of me, staring at me with those clear blue eyes.

What is an example of sentence using 'oracle'?

Definition is- prophecy, divination Say you use the sentence the priest read out the oracles Or the oracle of Delphi was considered the most beautiful.

How do you find sid of oracle 10g?

At a Linux prompt type env. Look for $ORACLE_SID. Or type echo $ORACLE_SID.

How do you rectify HTML to PHP variable error?

To use HTML as variable in PHP . echo the html tag written in double quotes. Example : <?php echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td></td><td></td></tr>" echo "</table>"; ?>

What are modules of oracle?

Oracle sells many functional modules which use the Oracle RDBMS as a back-end, notably Oracle Financials, Oracle HRMS, Oracle SCM, Oracle Projects, Oracle CRM, Oracle Procurement.

Can you use SQL to pull data from Oracle?

yes.... example: select *from employee; dml command in sql language

How do you make a batch file that talks to you?

1. Click on the Start Menu 2. Click on the Run command 3. Type in: cmd 4. Type in: help This should help you a lot with commands. Use: help <command> for details on a certain command. Example: help echo Use the echo command to make the batch file talk. Example is: @echo echo "This is what they will see" Make sure to include the ""s.

What is an example of echo verse?

An example of echo verse is the poem "The Echoing Green" by William Blake. In this poem, the word "echo" is repeated throughout, mimicking the concept of an echo reverberating in a green, pastoral setting.

Use the word oracle bone in a sentence?

The oracle bone was priceless.

How do you protect a single meta-character from shell interpretation?

To ignore the special meaning of a meta-character, use the escape character (back-slash) in front of it. For example, echo $USER would cause the shell variable $USER to be substituted. But if you wanted to actually echo $USER, then use 'echo \$USER'