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the light you use to heat food is an examle of a infrared wave.

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Infrared waves are used in various applications, such as remote controls for electronic devices, night vision goggles, and thermal imaging cameras.

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What is good sentence using infrared waves?

Doctors use infrared waves to detect abnormal heat patterns in the body, helping diagnose conditions such as inflammation or infections.

Which waves are transmitted by a television remote control device?

They most use infa red but they use wireless for the more recent technology.

What is a sentence using the word electromagnetic wave?

Radio waves, infrared, and microwaves are examples of electromagnetic waves.

How do humans use infrared waves?

Humans use infrared waves in various ways, such as in thermal imaging technology for night vision, in remote controls for electronics, and in infrared saunas for therapeutic purposes. Infrared waves are also used in some medical applications, such as infrared therapy for pain relief and promoting healing.

Do cellular phones use infrared waves?

No, cellular phones do not use infrared waves for wireless communication. They typically use radio waves to connect to cellular networks and communicate with other devices. Infrared technology is more commonly found in remote controls and certain types of data transfer technologies.

How are infrared waves and infrared radiation related?

Infrared waves are a type of electromagnetic waves that carry infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is a form of energy that is emitted or absorbed by objects as heat. Infrared waves have longer wavelengths than visible light and are commonly used in devices such as remote controls and infrared cameras.

Heat-sensing technology makes use of?

Infrared waves

What is the difference between remote controls that use infrared light and those that use radio waves is?

One uses infrared light and the other uses radio waves. Hope this helps!

What do Wi-Fi networks use?

Most of these networks use radio waves for their transmission medium, but some use infrared light waves

What type of rays do cellphones and ovens use?

Cellphones use radio waves for communication, while ovens use electromagnetic radiation (infrared radiation or microwaves) to heat or cook food.

Are infrared waves shorter or longer than ultra-violet waves?

Infrared waves are longer than ultraviolet waves. Infrared waves have longer wavelengths and lower frequencies compared to ultraviolet waves, which have shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies.

What wi-fi network uses?

Most of these networks use radio waves for their transmission medium, but some use infrared light waves