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The word "loathe" means to dislike intensely; to hate. "Loathing" can either be a noun or a verb form.

"She looked at me with loathing," is an example of the noun form. "I find that I am loathing politics more and more," would be an example of the verb form.

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15y ago
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13y ago

The man was very loathe when he saw the little kid throw up.

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9y ago

The word hate is a synonym for the verb loathe. An example sentence would be: Most women loathe the way they look in red.

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8y ago

Some people consider a compost pile loathsome, others regard these piles as free fertilizer.

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9y ago

You might use the word loathsome in a sentence by saying: "The soldier who deserted his post was called a loathsome coward by his peers." Loathsome is defined as causing hatred or disgust.

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11y ago


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14y ago

I loathe you since you told the whole school who I like!!!!

I loathe my brother because he broke my laptop!!!!

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8y ago

The noun form for the adjective loathsome is loathsomeness.

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How do you say sentence with the word loathe?

ex. i loathe homework deffinion- means the same thing as hate

How do you use the word lothe in a sentence?

The word "loathe" means to feel intense dislike or disgust for someone or something. For example, "I loathe doing laundry on weekends."

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What do I think of that mess - I loath it.

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How do you use the word loath in a sentence?

Loathe (v) - to feel intense dislike or hatred; to detest. Used in a sentence - I loathe the man that stole my brand new car and wrecked it.

What is the antonym for 'loathe'?

Love, or like, as in "Love (or like) it or loathe it,".

What is a sentence for publicize?

"Bob was loathe to publicize his inability to use certain words in a sentence on, but his thirst for knowledge was greater than his reluctance." "They decided to employ someone else to publicize their new business for them." "She did not want to publicize the fact that she was pregnant until she had spoken to the doctor."