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by finding the definition and then make a sentence almost like the definitions and put the word in it and there go your sentence your welcome

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Q: How do you use prokaryotic cell in a sentence?
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What is a sentence using the word prokaryotic cell?

I learned about prokaryotic cell in biology class today

How can you use the words prokaryotic nucleus and eukaryotic in the same sentence?

Unlike a prokaryotic cell, a eukaryotic cell has a nucleus.

How can you use prokaryotic in a sentence?

Prokaryotic organisms have cells that lack a nucleus.

Sentence using prokaryotic cells?

.A Prokaryotic Cell does not contain a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles

How do you use prokaryote in a sentence?

Prokaryotic is a noun. If a cellular organism has no nuclear membrane, it might be prokaryotic.

What specialized structures do a prokaryotic cell use to maintain homeostasis?

cell membrane

What is a sentence using the word prokaryote?

I learned about prokaryotic cell in Biology class today

Cell that do not have nucleus?

prokaryotic cells

What is a cell lacking nucleus?

A prokaryotic cell (e.g. a bacterial cell).

Is a cell with no nucleus called a prokaryotic cell?

no the prokaryotic cell also has nuclues

What is a part of a prokaryotic cell?

A cell without a nucleus is called prokaryotic cell.

Are Giardia prokaryotic cell or eukaryotic cell?
