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Q: How do you use simile and metaphors for pizza?
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Related questions

Is 'I felt as glorious as a queen' a metaphor or a simile?

That is a simile becuase it uses as. Metaphors don't use "like" or "as".

What is the defeniton of a simile?

A simile is a comparison of two objects using the words "like" or "as." For example: That soup was as salty as the ocean! Similes are like metaphors except that metaphors do not use like or as.

Do metaphors use the words like or as?

No. If a comparison uses like or as, it becomes a simile.

Is bank of justice is bankrupt a simile or metaphors?

Metaphor. Metaphors are straight comparisons, whereas Similes use a comparing word. Did that make sense?

Is I felt like a cheetah when I ran the race a simile or a metaphor?

A metaphor

Run like a deer is an example of?

It is a simile because it uses the word "like." Metaphors do not use this word.

The babys hair was corn silk against her soft pink face. Is this a simile or a metaphor?

this is a metaphor. like or as are used in simlies, in metaphors people use was and were and stuff

What do simile and metaphors do?

figures of speech or figurative imagery

Metaphors or similes in Down river by will hobbs?


Why use metaphors?

People use metaphors to better describe how people act, look etc. It just helps with description eg. He is a pig. (He is unclean, messy and has bad table manners) Or you could use a simile eg. He is like a pig (The same as metaphors but a not quite as strong)

Is a simile and metaphors definition the same?

Actually, no. They have some differences.

What is a combination of metaphors you wouldn't expect to be used together?
