

How do you use sophistry in a sentence?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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john was being sophistry, if he was not lying.

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Q: How do you use sophistry in a sentence?
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How do you use the word 'sophistry' in a sentence?

Sophistry is a noun and its definition is a subtly deceptive argument. Here is an example of usage by Carl Henry: "Our professed love of freedom is increasingly shown to be a sophistry that replaces wisdom and righteousness with self-gratification"

Why is sophistry a noun?

A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.The noun 'sophistry' is a word for the use of explanations or arguments that sound correct but are actually false. The noun 'sophistry' is a word for a concept; a word for a thing.

What is a sentence for the word sophistry?

Creationism can be called a scientific theory only by means of the most egregious sophistry.Sophistry is a charlatan's best defense against the truth.

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He used sophistry to manipulate the audience into believing his false claims. The politician's argument was full of sophistry, designed to deceive the listeners. Sophistry is often employed in debates to make weak arguments seem stronger.

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The cast of The Sophistry Trilogy - 2002 includes: Peter Goode as Julius Bolognese Andrew Mackay as Werdna

Where can one get the definition of 'Sophistry'?

You can get the definition of the word Sophistry and all other words in the dictionary. If you do not own a dictionary then you can go to any online dictionary to find the meaning of this word.

What has the author James Napier Bailey written?

James Napier Bailey has written: 'Sophistry unmasked!'

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