

How do you use the mallet on poptropica?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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you use the mallet on the bell when the fish jump move the fisher man where the fish jump use mallet again treasure map piece is in fish mouth.

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Q: How do you use the mallet on poptropica?
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go to your items and click the use button on it

What do you do with the mallet on Poptropica?

If you are talking about skullduggery you use it to hit the gong to scare the fish. If you are talking about steamworks you use it to get out of the greenhouse

Where is the mallet on poptropica?

Stand on the sinking dragon statue in Skulduggery Island. Then jump onto the tail to get the mallet.

Where do you get a mallet on poptropica Skulduggery?

To get the mallet in the Dragon's port place go in the water and stand on the floating dragon statue.

Where is the mallet on steamworks island on poptropica?

it is in sully's steam powered paraphernalia

How do you get the fish food in poptropica?

Jump into the fish tank and the fish will throw you up into the air. You land on a platform and you get the food.

Where is the sinking statue in Skullduggery Island on poptropica?

Dragon Cove. To get the mallet stand on it's head.

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you break it with your rubber mallet.

How do you catch fish in skulldugerry island in poptropica?

Push the crate with the guy on it right of the bell, then go left and jump on top of the dragon's head in the water and weigh it down and pick up the mallet and go back to the bell and use the mallet and the guy will catch a fish with a piece of map inside.

How do you sink the statue on Skullduggery Island on poptropica?

Stand on it's head, it's tail will come up revealing a mallet.

What are the uses of the tinman mallet?

you can use the tinman mallet to flatten safety edges like a dresser.

In what sport do you use a mallet?
