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If you are talking about a damp-it, just take the damp-it and submerse it in a cup of water for about 5 minutes. Then take the damp-it out, dry it off lightly with a towel, and put the damp-it in the bottom circular part of the f-hole. Just make sure to wet your humidifier often.

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Q: How do you use the tube humidifier for your violin?
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Who uses the violin?

Violinists use the violin. I use the violin.

What is the difference between humidifier and dehumidifier?

A humidifier makes the air fresher, While a dehumidifier removes a fresh smell. A house would use a a humidifier and a museum would use a dehumidifier

How much power does a travel humidifier use?

a travel humidifier can use a lot of power. a normal house light bulb uses less power but the travel humidifier can use a maximum of 300 to 500 watts. This can be used to make the place humid.

Can you use epsom salts in humidifier?

Yes but they won't prove to be even a fraction as effective as soaking in them. Salts do not vaporise the way oils do in a humidifier. You are most likely to find your humidifier encrusted with the salts.

How do you use a humidifier?

Most humidifiers only require water to be added to the device, and plug in to an outlet for relief of dry air. Refer to the instructions for the specific humidifier to ensure proper use.

Who uses a violin?

A musician, or violinist, would use a violin.

What is used to play a violin?

you were very vauge in your question but i will answer it the best i can. to play a violin you would use a bow ( a long stick with horsehair on it) and your fingers.

Are there any music groups that use violin?

I believe that Vitamin Quartet may use violin(s).

Is it bad for a guinea pig to be in a room with a humidifier?

my guinea pig has an uri and my vet told me to use a humidifier to help him clear his lungs , so i would assume so

What kind of water to use in humidifier for oxygen therapy?

Distilled or purified water will do!

How do you set the humidifier control settings?

it depends on the humidifier

Does owl city use violin?

Hannah Schroeder (cello) Laura Musten (violin) other than that owl city can use Adam's mac and make violin-like sounds