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Psychology is an inexact science and the results of some psychological tests are open to interpretation.

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Q: How do you use the word inexact in a sentence?
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What is a sentence for the word inexact?

Mathematics is not an inexact science. The court did not approve of his inexact answers.

How do you use inexact in a sentence?

the littel girl was inexact about her awnser

Instead of using the word wrong?

Use: erroneous / false / incorrect / inexact / mistaken / out (out of...) / unsatisfactory / untrue.

What word is a synonym for the word inexact?

Deceitful, Mendacious, and Illusive.

What is the prefix of inexact?

In- is the prefix for the word inexactness.

How do you use the word meteorology in a sentence?

(Meteorology is the study and prediction of weather.) The many factors that influence the weather mean that meteorology remains an inexact science. The modern challenge of meteorology is to create models that accurately reflect the real world.

The opposite of the opposite of inexact?

The opposite's opposite of inexact is still inexact. It is similar to having two negatives in a sentence, making it a positive and therefore, no longer needing the negative. e.g. "I don't not understand what you mean." When having two negatives in a sentence, they cancel each other out. This is a similar situation to "The opposite of the opposite of inexact" because the two opposites cancel out each other. The opposite of the opposite of something is the same as what it is originally.

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Studying gerontology has helped me understand the aging process and how to provide better care for older adults.

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