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He's a smart person, he was able to solve the Math problem in less than 5 minutes.

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Q: How do you use the word smart in a sentence?
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decended is a word used by smart people. so dont use it!

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Allen Chun is a smart, athletic person.

What is the third word in this sentences?

You didn't write a sentence, you wrote a question. So there isn't a third word in that "sentence." Or if you are trying to be a smart aleck, "this sentence" also doesn't have three words, but in that case you didn't use correct punctuation. In either case it shows you don't really have a good grasp of the English language.

How can you use the word immigrant in sentence?

use that thing they call a text book smart one gosh so slow your welcome

What is a sentence for the word violate?

ViolateA sentence for the word violate is: It's smart not to violate the law.

Can you give me a sentence using the word smart?

I am very smart Einstein was very smart i was very smart after going to college

How do you use 'smart' in a sentence?

He is a smart worker as he kept the clients happy. This is an example of smart in sentence.

How do you use word ubiquitous in a sentence?

Since technology is ubiquitous, it is apparent that people have some sort of smart phone and computer laptop with them.

How do you use the verb smart in a sentence?

If you pour disinfectant on an open wound it can really smart.

How do you use the word mawkish in a sentence?

The word mawkish is an adjective. Sally enjoyed the food at the picnic, but she didn't enjoy the mawkish smell of warm lemonade.

How can you use the word denote in a sentence?

John used his smart phone to denote that he was ready to go to lunch. A fever is often denotes an infection.