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With no water to drink for over 2 hours, thirst was kicking in and the family was desperate for some water

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Q: How do you use thirst in a sentence?
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How do you use the word more in a sentence?

Example sentence - We wanted more water to quench our thirst.

How can you use the word quench in a sentence?

When I am hot I quench my thirst by drinking water.

What is a sentence for the word thirst?

my mouth is full of thirst

How do you use the word unquenchable in a sentence?

We were out in the hot sun all day, and our thirst was unquenchable.

What is osmoreceptors and use it in a sentence?

Your osmoreceptors regulate your thirst in attempt to keep you properly hydrated.

Can you give me a sentence for the word thirst?

After running a marathon, my thirst was unquenchable.

How do you use quench in a sentence?

The policeman needed to quench his thirst after he ran from the crime scene to his car.

How do you use reaping in a sentence?

Thousands are always sowing and reaping and brewing and distilling, to slake the immortal thirst of the country.

A sentence using the word quench?

Is it true that coke does not quench your thirst? This quench gum is amazing! Bob go get me a drink that will quench my thirst. This really did quench my thirst.

Sentence with the word slake?

here is some lemonade to slake your thirst.

Is consuming thirst adjective and noun?

The phrase "consuming thirst" contains an noun and an adjective. The word "consuming" acts like an adjective in the phrase, describing the severity of the thirst the person or object is experiencing. The word "thirst" is a noun, and could be a verb, depending on the rest of the sentence.

Can you start a simple sentence with after?

After drinking a glass of water I felt no more thirst.