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What a great question!

Gravity effects the photons ever so minutly, since the photon is a fraction of the size of the electron it comes from, it is effected ever so slightly, being seen only after so many light years of travel.

But what is gravity? Is it a distortion in space? Is it the same as a rubber sheet stretched tight, and a Bowling ball set on it. Hence all of the marbels roll toward the ball. Well the idea of where gravity comes from is so hard to understand, that this model for how it acts is perfectly fine.

But take this theory, Gravity is an inharent property of matter. For all opposites attract. And since all measurable opposites attract we can assume that the subatomic particles attract to each other according to their nature and all other forces that repel them. So the closer to the sun a plant is, the smaller and faster its orbit has to be else it would be sucked in. yet maybe there is other things at play? Like the speed of the rotation of the planet.

But if every particle is attract to other particles, then that all have to have properties that are opposites of each other. Not just the obvious of electron and anti electron with the exact opposite mathematical reading. What if protons and neutrons are oppsotes enough to make the neucleous, but since electrons act differently, just attract as far as the neucleus repels it. Then when you back up to look at it from a distance, you see their properties are averaged out and act as a whole.

So is it possiable that everything equals nothing? Everything comes from nothing?

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1w ago

Einstein's Theory of Gravity visualizes the bending of spacetime around a planet or mass as a curved grid. The mass creates a dent in spacetime, causing objects to follow curved paths around it. This curvature is what we experience as gravity, as objects naturally move towards the center of the curved spacetime.

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