

How do you wash clothes with skunk odor?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How do you wash clothes with skunk odor?
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How do you remove skunk odor from clothes?

Hang them outside on the clothesline and let the odor fade naturally. I would be afraid of "setting" the smell in by trying anything outlandish such as boiling the clothes, dry cleaning, etc. You may have to leave them hanging outside for a couple of weeks then launder them naturally. ********* I would hand wash them in dawn and baking soda, several times. Works for animals and people, too.

What to use to get rid of skunk odor on skin?

well this is one reason not how to get rid of skunk odor: tomato juice ( unless you want to ). you only think it works because when you smell it up close you can't smell the odor of the skunk anymore. but i think to get rid of skunk odor is to take a bath in SOAP! and LOTS of it!

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Wash them, showers and washing machines work the best.

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I put white vinegar (1 cup) in the dog bedding wash and it totally eliminates the stinky dog odor so it will probably work on about any smell. If it is skunk odor use Hydrogen peroxide (1 cup) and baking soda (1/4 cup). 1 tbs. soap. Soak and rinse then launder.

Where can you get skunk odor?

Skunk quill is pure oil from a skunk farm, quite expensive, but there are artificial options as well.

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Law and Odor

How do you wash skunk spray out of clothes?

To get skunk smell out of clothes you need to keep in mind that skunk spray leaves an oily residue which is what makes it so hard to get rid of. If the clothing came into direct contact with spray (straight from the skunk, rubbed off a sprayed dog, etc) then the oil needs to be broken down to remove the smell. Launder them with a degreasing detergent (or detergent with a degreaser added). Some solutions list hydrogen peroxide (which can bleach things) as a possibility, but for clothing you might want to try soaking in the following: 1 Liter White Vinegar 1/4c Baking Soda 1 Tsp dish soap The dish soap will help break down the skunk film, while the vinegar and baking soda will help neutralize the odor. After soaking them, run them through the washing machine using cold or cool water. If instead your clothing merely picked up the odors out of the air (no direct contact with the skunk's spray), or if they are materials that are not readily laundered, then you can rent an ozone generator which will help neutralize the odor. Ozone reacts with many different scent molecules and breaks them down - this is the same effect it has on skunk odor. If you have a number of items that have leftover skunk smell on them, this can be an effective way to room odor from them at one time.