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Enter the changing room and go to uppermost right locker and press A

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Q: How do you wear trunks in pool in beyblade g revolution?
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Related questions

What do people wear at the ocean?

Men wear trunks. They're like shorts but you can swim in them. Women wear a bikini and something that looks like trunks.

Why do parents allow their children to wear their underwear under their swimsuits while swimming?

so when they poo them selves in the pool, it does not seep out through the trunks and into the water, instead it becomes imbeded in the child's underwear

What should a baby wear in a public pool?

A baby should wear at least a swim diaper. There are both disposable and washable varieties available in every size. However, you may also want your baby to weay swim trunks or a bathing suit.

What do 14 or 15 year old boys wear in swimming?

It all depends on what they are going to do in the pool. If it is just recreational swimming the just swim trunks. If you are actually swimming competitively, the maybe jammers or a speedo.

What type of clothing are you allowed to wear at the pools?

swimming trunks

What should a 14 year old boy wear in swimming pools?

It all depends on what they are going to do in the pool. If it is just recreational swimming the just swim trunks. If you are actually swimming competitively, the maybe jammers or a speedo.

Can a 9 year old boy wear no shirts in the swimming pool?

It depends on the customs of the country. In the US, it is very common from boys and men to swim bare-chested, wearing just swim trunks. Girls and women, however, are expected to cover their chests and wear a bathing suit. Of course, in some cultures, even in the pool, people of both genders are expected to keep their body covered; so find out the local customs by asking. But if you are going to a typical US swimming pool, a boy would bring a shirt for when he comes out of the pool, but he usually does not wear one in the pool.

When does Donald Duck wear pants?

Yeah i think he does. Bet he loves to wear the sailor suit in most of the Disney cartoons.

What type of underwear does Maksim Chmerkovskiy wear?

Square cut trunks.

What kind of clothes are worn in Africa?

you can wear anything that is comfortable you can also wear a bikini, swim trunks, or you can wear nothing if you please.

What did Mohammad ali wear in historic fight against sonny liston?

white trunks

How do you show a girl your penis by accident?

Wear white swim trunks when you go swimming with her.