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if you want 2 beat the boss train your Pokemon to a level at least 3 lvs higher than his Pokemon but if you want to be him i would think you will need a cheat cartridge.

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Q: How do you win the galactic boss in Pokemon platinum version?
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You attack his Pokemon until they are unconscious.

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Any Pokemon could effective against the freakin boss Cyruss haha!!! lol

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After you defeat Cyrus at the Veilstone Galactic building and he will give it to you

Where do you get the master ball in Pokemon Platinum?

You go to Vielstone city and go into Team galactic building and find Cyrus(Team galactic boss) then battle him. After the battle he should give you a master ball.

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Team Galactic boss is in M.T Corenet near snowpoint city.

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In Mt.Coronet when you meet Cyrus the team galactic boss you go down and surf left you will find ti there

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You can not move him in any of the games. He will only move after you beat the boss and team galactic leave. Once they leave he will go with them.

How do you get a master ball in Pokemon dimaond?

All you have to do is go in the Galactic headquarters in diamond, pearl or platinum and fight Cyrus [The Boss that you face in the Galactic Building] and you have to beat him. When you beat him he will give you a Master ball and he will leave the Galactic building and head to Spear Pillar and will Summon Dialga. For more Information try to type on Youtube " How to get a Master Ball on Pokemon Diamond, pearl,or platinum " Bye!