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Q: How do you write a program to find the area of a square in qbasic?
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#include<stdio.h> int main() { int side,area of square; print f("Enter the length of side\n"); scan f("%d",&side); area of square=side*side; print f(the area of square is %d\n"area of square); return 0; }

Write a pascal program that compute an area of a triangle?

{A program to compute the area of a triangle} {by Ogboin W. Meshach} Var; b,h:real; BEGIN Writeln('Triangle'); Write('Base: '); Readln(base); Write('Height: '); Readln(height); area:=0.5*base*height; Writeln('Area: ', area :0:2); End.

What is the program to calculate the area of a square?

base X height

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{Area s the area of cube} {Length is the length of one side of the cube} program AreaofCube; var Area,Length:real; begin write('Enter the length of cube: '); readln(Length); Area:=6*(Length*Length); writeln('The area of cube is ', Area, ' cm^2.'); end.

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Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2 square units

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Rewrite the above program so that the program accepts any value for the radius then recalculate the area of the circle.

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You find the square root an then label it as the side.

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