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When you are asked to describe someone, here are some things you should include: * physical description - age, gender, height, weight, coloring (eyes, hair, skin), any unusual traits or characteristics * background - where they were born, where they live, what their family is like (siblings, pets, parents, other relatives), where they go to school, what their house is like * community - what organizations do they belong to (church, clubs, other groups), what jobs they have, what role they play in their neighborhood or community * personality - likes and dislikes, hobbies, amusements, traits they might show or inner traits that might not show, hopes and dreams, fears, favorite things

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8y ago

It depends whether you are writing to apply for a job or writing a book about yourself. If it's for a job then think of the things you are interested in and what your character is like: eg: interested in sports, active in skiing, digital imagery, like to read and gain knowledge, etc.

If you are writing about yourself for a book then start from the memories you had as a child. Three good movies to see on such a subject are: 'Summer of '42'; 'The Christmas Story' and 'Fried Green Tomatoes.' This will give you a great deal of concept on how to write about your memories as a child right up to present day. One can also embellish a little or put a comical twist in certain areas.

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13y ago

start it off with a question....... like " who am I really?" and then explain from their about yourself......

Who am I really? People see me as the type of person that ........ I see myself as a ............ person.


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13y ago

Greetings my beloved people! ;)) ofcourse as you can see, im about to describe myself. My name is (x). I'm (x) years old. I'm blowing my candle on Dec (x), (xxxx). Im currently taking my studies on (x) and im enjoying it! :D

if i was to describe myself, im a (x) person. i like eating (x). and i do love collecting (x). i hate those filthy (x). and i hope you are not that kind of person.

well that's the end of it! thanks for reading!

LOVE (x)

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11y ago

Writing a description of oneself depends largely upon what the description is going to be used for. If it is just social networking, then there is a lot of leeway. The main concern here is privacy, so one's identity is not compromised or threatened. There are many good articles on which items of your identity should be left out of online descriptions, and which may be safely included.

If it is a college essay, this is a different thing. Though the admissions people do not need (or want!) to know your deepest secrets, it is good to include something more personal about why you want to attend their school. For instance, if you are applying to a nursing program, it helps for the administration to know something about why you chose that field. It could be a personal interest, like a family problem, or an experience such as working with handicapped children.

If it is a personal essay for a job application, then it should be tailored to the world of employment, and how your experiences and personal philosophy might benefit the company to whom you are applying.

In many cases, the people who want you to write such an essay merely want to make sure that your writing skills are up to par and that you can communicate well. This skill used to be more or less taken for granted, not just in college, but in high school graduates! That is no longer the case, so you must show potential employers or schools that you do know how to write.

The key thing is not the word "person" as much as it is "write". Anyone can write an anecdote or personal story. It takes skill and judgment to know how to write something personal that will interest others.

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14y ago

Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? How would you describe yourself to your friend? What things should your friend know about you?
If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

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7y ago

What you like, what your interests are, what you want to become. But it really depends on the prompt that is given to you.

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11y ago

this is me alisha adhikari and i am 18 years old.

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