


Research Papers

Includes questions related to the research, preparation and composition of formal written reports based on well researched findings and presented ideas.

3,716 Questions

Who is the best oncologist in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not possible to definitively determine who the best oncologist in the world is, as expertise and success in treating cancer can vary based on the type of cancer, patient needs, and location. Numerous oncologists around the world are highly skilled and respected in their field. It is important to research and find an oncologist that specializes in the specific type of cancer you are dealing with.

Why is space research important for your planet?

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Asked by Byakuya104

Space research is important for Earth because it helps us understand the universe, develop new technologies, and monitor changes on our planet such as climate change. It also has the potential to inspire future generations, foster international collaboration, and improve our understanding of science and technology.

Have recycling skips in the car park for glass cans plastic bottles old clothing paper and card?

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Asked by Wiki User

Setting up recycling skips in the car park for glass, cans, plastic bottles, clothing, paper, and card is a great idea to encourage recycling and make it convenient for people to dispose of these materials properly. This initiative helps reduce waste going to landfills, promotes sustainability, and educates the community on responsible waste management.

Which font would be a good choice for a printed report on the fight against AIDS in Kenya?

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Asked by Wiki User

A clean and easy-to-read font like Arial or Times New Roman would be a good choice for a printed report on the fight against AIDS in Kenya. Additionally, you may consider using a sans-serif font for headings to make them stand out. It's important to prioritize readability and professionalism in your font selection for a report like this.

What causes the endangerment of hippos?

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Asked by Wiki User

because it is unscientifically proven that when a hippo is near a human it can smell their fear through a fart. So if a human farts a hippo takes it offensive and kills the human. so a word of advice is "don't fart around a hippo." and don't get too close.

What are some cool research topics about arabidopsis?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Investigating the genetic basis of plant responses to environmental stress in Arabidopsis.
  2. Studying the role of specific genes in plant development and growth using Arabidopsis as a model system.
  3. Analyzing the interactions between Arabidopsis and beneficial microorganisms to understand plant-microbe interactions.
  4. Exploring the potential of Arabidopsis as a platform for studying plant secondary metabolites and their impact on human health.

What does 'scope of the study' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scope of the study refers to the boundaries and limitations set by the researcher for the research project. It defines what will be covered and what will not be covered. It helps to focus the study and ensures that the research remains manageable and specific.

How many people have died from a paper cut actual statistics please?

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Asked by Yuri54

150 people have died from a paper cut not really, but probably 10

Are you serious?? Probably no-one. Maybe like one person in the history of the world, although Im not sure how anyoen could be so stupid, is the reason you are asking this question because you got a papercut and are worried about it threatening your life??You Sir, are an idiot.

I don't know the actual answer, but I'm pretty sure if anyone has died of a paper cut, its because that paper gave them a staph infection.. or they let the cut be exposed to to other bacteria and left it untreated so it could fester and kill them..........

OR someone could get a million papercuts on their body and then they would kill themselves cause it hurt so much.

OR they could get a paper cut, and there might be a serious disease going around and they would get that disease and die.

Theres a million possibilities.........

Acknowledgement for natural disaster project?

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Asked by Wiki User

acknowledgement to ecological disasters or natural disasters refers to the websites, books ,name of those things ,people etc. who helped you in making the project or report on the topic "ecological disasters or natural disasters".

What are the four stages of a tornado?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four stages of a tornado are formation, mature, shrinking, and decaying. During the formation stage, a rotating column of air forms due to certain weather conditions. The mature stage is when the tornado is at its strongest and most destructive. The shrinking stage is when the tornado begins to narrow and weaken. The decaying stage is when the tornado dissipates and loses its rotation.

Why do I need reference material in research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reference material is essential in research to provide support for your claims and findings. It adds credibility to your work by showing that your ideas are based on existing knowledge and research. Additionally, referencing allows readers to verify the information you have used and enables them to explore the topic further.

Where is muscovite found?

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Asked by Wiki User

Muscovite is commonly found in metamorphic rocks, such as schist and gneiss. It is also often found in igneous rocks, like granite. Muscovite can be found in various locations around the world, including Russia, Brazil, the United States, and Madagascar.

What is a Topic for a research paper on hurricanes?

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Asked by Wiki User

A potential topic for a research paper on hurricanes could be "The Impact of Climate Change on the Intensity and Frequency of Hurricanes." This topic would allow for an examination of how global warming is affecting hurricane patterns and dynamics.

Can you set up a research chemical distributor in Canada selling legal research chemicals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can set up a research chemical distributor in Canada selling legal research chemicals. You will need to ensure that you comply with all relevant regulations and secure any necessary licenses or permits. It's important to conduct thorough research on the specific rules and restrictions that govern the sale of research chemicals in Canada before proceeding.

What is c catchy title for the science project about insects?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Bugs Bonanza: Exploring the Intriguing World of Insects"

The first full scale oceanographic research expedition was conducted by?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first full-scale oceanographic research expedition was conducted by the Royal Society of London in 1872 aboard the HMS Challenger. This expedition marked the beginning of modern oceanography and laid the foundation for future research in marine sciences.

Define research proposal?

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Asked by Wiki User

A research proposal is a detailed plan that outlines the objectives, methodology, scope, and timeline of a research project. It provides a blueprint for the study and helps to convince others of the value and feasibility of the research.

Why is peer review important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peer review is important because it helps ensure the quality and credibility of research by having experts in the field evaluate and provide feedback on the work. This process helps identify errors, improve clarity, and ensure that research meets the standards of the scientific community before being published. It also helps to prevent the dissemination of flawed or unreliable information.

What are attributes of a good hypothesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

A good hypothesis is specific, testable, and falsifiable, meaning it can be proven true or false through observation or experimentation. It should also be based on existing knowledge or evidence, and provide a clear direction for further investigation. Additionally, a good hypothesis should be logical and relevant to the research question being addressed.

Facts about the Incas?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Inca Empire was a powerful pre-Columbian civilization in South America that existed from the 15th to 16th centuries. They were known for their advanced agricultural techniques, such as terrace farming, and their extensive road network. The Inca capital was located in Cusco, in present-day Peru. They also built impressive structures like Machu Picchu.

What are the methods of preparing syrup?

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Asked by Wiki User

The common methods for preparing syrup include the hot method, where sugar is dissolved in boiling water, and the cold method, where sugar is dissolved in cold water and left to infuse. Flavorings like herbs or spices can be added during the cooking process to infuse the syrup with additional flavors. Storage in airtight containers in the refrigerator can help prolong the shelf life of syrup.

What issues were important in 1984 election?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 1984 election was dominated by issues such as the economy, national defense, and foreign policy. President Reagan's record on economic recovery and his strong stance against communism were key points of debate. The Democratic nominee, Walter Mondale, focused on social welfare programs and criticized Reagan's economic policies.

What is the definition of experimental research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Experimental research is a method of scientific investigation that involves manipulating variables to study cause-and-effect relationships. It typically involves establishing control over variables, random assignment of participants, and the use of an experimental design to test hypotheses. The goal is to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable while minimizing the influence of extraneous factors.

What are facts about combustion?

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Asked by Wiki User

Combustion is a chemical reaction that releases heat and light. It requires three things to occur: fuel, oxygen, and heat. Combustion is used in various applications, such as in engines to power vehicles and in heating systems to provide warmth.

What some characteristics of Kenya's Government?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kenya has a unitary presidential republic system with a multi-party political scene. The President is both the head of state and government, holding executive power. The country has a bicameral Parliament consisting of the National Assembly and the Senate.