

Oxford University

Oxford is one of the United Kingdom's top universities. Questions in this category should ask about the facilities located there, as well as application requirements and available courses.

282 Questions

When did it last snow on Christmas day in Oxford?

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It last snowed on Christmas day in Oxford in 2010.

How far is it from sebring Florida to Oxford England?

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The distance between Sebring, Florida and Oxford, England is approximately 4,259 miles (6,858 kilometers) straight-line distance. The actual travel distance would depend on the mode of transportation chosen.

What word is used for the curved upper surface of a liquid in a tube?

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It is called a MENISCUS caused by capillary action betweem the molecules of the liquid and the molecules of the container, and resulting from surface tension within the liquid. In addition: Adhesion: Making one material adhere to another.

Does the University of Oxford have a good fine arts program?

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The University of Oxford is not typically known for its fine arts program, as its strengths lie more in disciplines like humanities and sciences. However, it does offer courses in art history, music, and theater studies through its academic departments and colleges. Students interested in fine arts may find more specialized programs at other institutions.

What is the main focus of training in Universities?

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The main focus of training in universities is to provide students with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities to prepare them for their chosen careers. Additionally, universities aim to encourage personal growth, academic excellence, and lifelong learning.

What is the theme or central idea of the poem a wind flashes the grass by ted hughes?

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The central idea of "A Wind Flashes the Grass" by Ted Hughes is the transient and unpredictable nature of nature itself. The poem explores the fleeting moments of beauty and power in the natural world, using the imagery of wind and grass to convey a sense of movement and impermanence. Overall, it highlights the perpetual cycle of life and the forces that shape and influence it.

English speaking problems being faced by Pakistani student?

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Problems in Learning English for Pakistani StudentsEnglish is an international language and we (Pakistanis) have been learning it since the birth of Pakistan. We opened many institutions to learn English. We blame our education system. We blame our teachers. We pass metric and learn how to translate Urdu into English but we can't speak English in daily life. On asking we say that our teachers did not teach us how to speak English, we blame our teachers courageously and learn same English again in intermediate but can't speak English yet. On asking answer is the same. Who is at fault; Our teachers or students?

Our students are at fault. After passing a class we never try to read our books. Same case is after intermediate. I don't say that we should be a good English speaker. We become the student of B.A after spending 12 years in learning English. After 5th we start learning parts of speech and tenses and up to 12th we keep learning. But after getting the honor to be a student of B.A we can't define parts of speech except Noun, Pronoun,and Verb. In the seven years we bought many helping and grammar books to learn the same tenses which we are taught in schools. If our teachers don't teach us how to speak English then helping books are also unable to teach us English. The books which we are taught in especially (Punjab text book) or Oxford book I don't think that after studying them thoroughly we can't speak even broken English. But the problem that after passing a class our books become the part of either old book shop or shelves. If we ignore a human being for sometime, he becomes angry then what about these non living things. Another problem that we (Pakistanis) wait for readymade bread, we ourselves never try to do something so we buy helping books. After 12th we join institutes for language course but those who could not learn English and speak in 7 years, how can they learn and speak in 3 or 6 months. Spoken English environment, latest electronic teaching methods etc are just excuses. Thomas Edison was rejected by teachers but he did what he wanted to do and we blame our teachers.

Another thing that we have to take interest in English, because the thing in which we have no interest, how can we learn it. We take interest according to our desire, it means that it must be our desire to learn and speak English. I think Oxford Dictionary has more than 70% grammar structure in itself but only for those who are curious. There are many examples in our country (Pakistan) who wanted to learn English, they learned and spoke by only strong determination. Just by bringing about our determination we can learn and speak English. Now who is at fault our teachers or students? I leave it onto you.

Did Florence Nightingale go to University of Oxford?

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No, Florence Nightingale did not attend the University of Oxford. She received her nursing education in Germany and later applied her skills during the Crimean War, establishing herself as a pioneer in the field of nursing.

Can a British citizen get admission to Oxford University?

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It is not unheard of for students to be invited to university directly from high school, however it is very rare. The student has to show amazing levels of intelligence and an unusually high IQ with exceptional examination results to be recognised by a highly professional university.

Usually you are required to go to college first and gain A-level or equivalent qualifications. These are required because your grades are counted as "points", known as "UCAS Points". The higher your college grades are, the more UCAS points your grades are worth. Highly professional universities such as Oxford and Cambridge naturally require students to have relatively high UCAS points, while other universities only require high UCAS points for certain courses.

So, in summary, it is not impossible to go straight to Oxford University from high school, however it is extremely rare. You would be better off concentrating in school so you can get into a good college. When you have worked through college accumulating UCAS points, you can apply to join Oxford.

Another benefit of finishing college first before university is that you will have more qualifications, therefore better job prospects.

When was Oxford created?

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Oxford Castle was built 1071 by Robert D'Oilly for William the Conqueror. Castles were built up and down the country immediately after the Conquest in order to establish control over the native populations. Oxford Castle was built over the west end of the town destroying a good part of it and would have been quite simply the largest and most dominating structure in the town. Castles at that time were a military stronghold with a tower on a mound and massive earthworks called baileys, nothing like later medieval castle which were vast

How many A-levels and GCSEs do you need to get into oxford or Cambridge?

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Oxford wants three A-Levels taken in the subjects that one wishes to study there. (See Oxford's official website to find out what subjects.) Also, they want an A on the final test in subject unless it is an uncompetitive year. If so they might accept two A's and one B.

What can you do in oxford university?

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I Dont know basket ball eating chips

What are Oxford university majors?

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The most popular courses in order are:

1. Economics and Management (BA - 3 years)

2. Medicine (MB BCh - 6 years)

3. Philosophy, Politics and Economics (BA Joint Hons - 3 years)

4. Mathematics (MMath - 4 years)

5. Law (BA - 3 years)

Is it hard to get into Oxford University as an International student?

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Answer Give it a whirlYou obviously need the necessary A levels...colleges will give you this information. Once you are armed with those, just give it a hard it is (or easy)will depend on so many factors which cannot be quantified, it's not worth worrying over. I managed it 40 years ago, with two very modest A levels, so i know it wasn't too hard in those days. It costs little except the risk of a dented ego if you fail! Answer : Yes, it's worth a goOxford and Cambridge have to fill their places, and many potential applicants think entry is impossible and therefore don't try. In other words, there is a lot of self-selection before people even apply. Obviously, you need to inform yourself about the grades expected and so on. There are often slight variations from one college to another and from subject to subject, too. For example, if you want to study ('read' to use the Oxford jargon) Modern Languages you may well find that the entry requirements are less demanding than for English Literature. Bear in mind that the interview and any tests you are given are also very important. You will be expected to converse intelligently and articulately on your subject and on current affairs. Good luck!

Is M.B.B.S. course offered in oxford university London?

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As there is no Oxford university in London then there is no such course.

What are the disadvantages of decentralization?

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Centralization and Decentralization? Description An organization has to make strategic and operational decisions. Where and by whom should these decisions be made? And: how should the organization structure be adapted? Centralization and Decentralization are two opposite ways to transfer decision-making power and to change the organizational structure of organizations accordingly. Centralization: * Definition: The process of transferring and assigning decision-making authority to higher levels of an organizational hierarchy. * In a centralized organization, the decision-making has been moved to higher levels or tiers of the organization, such as a head office, or a corporate center. * Knowledge, information and ideas are concentrated at the top, and decisions are cascaded down the organization. * The span of control of top managers is relatively broad, and there are relatively many tiers in the organization. Compare: Fayol. Decentralization: * Definition: The process of transferring and assigning decision-making authority to lower levels of an organizational hierarchy. * In a decentralized organization, the decision-making has been moved to lower levels or tiers of the organization, such as divisions, branches, departments or subsidiaries. * Knowledge, information and ideas are flowing from the bottom to the top of the organization. * The span of control of top managers is relatively small, and there are relatively few tiers in the organization, because there is more autonomy in the lower ranks. Three Forms of decentralization * Deconcentration. The weakest form of decentralization. Decision making authority is redistributed to lower or regional levels of the same central organization. * Delegation. A more extensive form of decentralization. Through delegation the responsibility for decision-making is transferred to semi-autonomous organizations not wholly controlled by the central organization, but ultimately accountable to it. * Devolution. A third type of decentralization is devolution. The authority for decision-making is transferred completely to autonomous organizational units. Strengths of Centralization. Characteristics * Philosophy / emphasis on: top-down control, leadership, vision, strategy. * Decision-making: strong, authoritarian, visionary, charismatic. * Organizational change: shaped by top, vision of leader. * Execution: decisive, fast, coordinated. Able to respond quickly to major issues and changes. * Uniformity. Low risk of dissent or conflicts between parts of the organization. Strengths of Decentralization. Characteristics * Philosophy / emphasis on: bottom-up, political, cultural and learning dynamics. * Decision-making: democratic, participative, detailed. * Organizational change: emerging from interactions, organizational dynamics. * Execution: evolutionary, emergent. Flexible to adapt to minor issues and changes. Participation, accountability. Low risk of not-invented-here behavior.

What is a library accession?

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When a collection acquires a new item, that item has been accessioned and an accession number name be assigned to it to help track it. When a library acquires a book, that is a library accession of that book.

What is the difference between a centralized and decentralized organization?

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Organizationi think centralised organisations are those that workers are not involved in decision making while decentralisation organisation are those which involve their workers in decesion making

dan evans is a melt

How you can get admission in Oxford University?

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If you are entering 7, 8, or 9 grade, you go to the campus and ask for a registration form. You turn in your form and if you qualify, you receive a test letter. It contains a slip that allows you to test in. Around the beginning of September, (the slip tells you the exact date) you go to the campus and take an entrance test. If you pass, you are excepted into Oxford.

Identify the critical operations decision areas in your organization Discuss the responsibilities of an operations manager while addressing these decisions?

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We identify the four major decision responsibilities of operations management as process, quality, capacity, and inventory

Are Oxford University and the University of Oxford the same thing?

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They are indeed the same place. The University of Oxford is actually a culmination of thirty-eight sub-colleges under one title.I think in the case of Oxford they are the same place, ...

What can you learn at Oxford university?

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Hi and thanks for answers to me,I want know how can learn free English from online university and end take certificate?