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Q: How do you write javascript function displaythe underline with in the string?
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The JavaScript's String Object has a function that allows someone to replace words that occur within the string. This works if the form letter with a default reference of username is available.

How do you check length of password using javascript?

Use the length property of string in javascript.

Write a JavaScript program showing string concatenation?

There isn't much to it:---alert("Hello " + "world!");---'alert' creates a popup, and the + does string concatenation.See related link for a Javascript tutorial.

How does one define a Javascript class?

To define the class of a javascript code or string there are two to three or so main methods, one of these is to use it, and review the result, such as activating and using a function relative to to itself. Another is to use the objects Literals, the advantage to this is that Literals are a shorter way to define objects and arrays in JavaScript.

What is the meaning behind a javascript split?

The javascript split method, split(), will alter a string to make it into an array of substrings. This is useful if you would like to store each substring from the original string seperately.

Geta is a math function or string function?

GetA is a math function and not a string function.

Which is string function starchy or strlength?

The string function is strlength and it is evoked to return the length of a string.

What is parseint in javascript?

it is used to convert the string value that we get from the users to integer data type

How does javascript call a validation routine?

When the user clicks the Submit button on the form, the form data is sent to a JavaScript validation function that checks each aspect of the input to make sure that it is in the appropriate format. Each form element is evaluated according to specified criteria. If the script finds an error in one of the fields, it sends back a warning explaining how the string doesn't conform. The fairly robust string-handling and regular expression techniques available in JavaScript handle this checking process.

How to convert a string into an integer in javascript?

In C# you can do that in the following way Convert.ToInt32(yourStringHere), for instance Convert.ToInt32("wikianswers"). But not all string can be converted to int type. If it happens compilator will throw the exception converting error which you can handle using structure try { ...//your code } catch (Exception) { ... //your code in the case of the exception }

How do you show the location of an occurrence of the letter e in a string using javascript?

The location of a substring within a string in JavaScript can be found using the indexOf() method of the string type. That method will return the placement of a string as a numerical index, starting from 0. The method takes two arguments. The first is the substring you're looking for. In this case "e." The second argument is optional, and it's the "start" argument. If you define it, you define the index from which JavaScript will start looking for the substring. By default, this index is 0 (zero.) If you want to find all of the occurrences of a string using this method, you have to write a loop. To see a working example of that, check out the JSFiddle in the related links. I've also attached a good lesson on JavaScript strings in PDF.

How do you reverse a string in PHP without using a function?

Without any function is impossible. So I'll assume you mean any coded function, in which case the predefined function below is your answer.$string = strrev($string);