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Janvier Février Mars Avril Mai Juin Juillet Août Septembre Octobre Novembre Décembre

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Q: How do you write months of the year in french?
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December in French?

In French, to say the month December, you say:décembreYou do not write French months of the year in capital letters.

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How do you say the months of the year in french?

The months are janvier, fevrier, mars, avril, mai, juin, juillet, aout, septembre, octobre, novembre, and decembre.Go to for more information or google search "months in french pronunciation".

What are the months of the year translated into french?

les mois de l'année

How do you write happy new year in french?

bonne année

How do you write 10 months as a number of years?

Assuming (for convenience) that all months are the same length, then 10 months = 10/12 of a year = 5/6 = 0.8333... of a year .

How do you spell months of the year in french?

janvierfevriermarsavrilmaijuanejuilletaoutseptembreoctobrenovembredecembrehope this helps! :) kinda rough soz

How do you write month year and date in french?

Month: Mois Year: Année Date: date

How do you say half a year in french?

We usually say "six mois" = six months.

How do you write 5 months as a decimal?

Five months as the decimal portion of a year is the same as 5/12, which is 0.416666 repeating years