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mon Dieu.

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1mo ago

In French, "my God" translates to "mon Dieu."

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Q: How do you write my God in French?
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How do you write only god knows why in french?

Dieu seul sait pourquoi

How do you say and write the name of God in the French Italian Spanish Hebrew and Apache languages?

If you mean God's true name, according to the Hebrew scriptures, it is called the Tetragrammaton, and you can only write it in Hebrew. The moment you write it in any other alphabet, it's no longer the name of God. If you mean the word "God", it is: French = Dieu Italian = Dio Spanish = Dios Hebrew = Hashem (ה׳) Apache = Usen

What is 'god' when translated from English to French?

"God" in English is Dieu in French.

How do you write Abigail in FRENCH?

To write Abigail in French is easy. You just write it the same way.

How do you say write in french?

to write is "écrire" in French.

How do you write the time in french?

the same way as in englishb but write it in french!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you write i have eaten in french?

how to write i have eaten in french: J'ai mange

Do French have a god?

Yes, I am quite sure the French have a God... many French people are Catholic. But not all French people are religious

In French how to write to be?

'to be' is "être" in French.

How do you write no in French?

No in French is non.

How do the french teach children to write?

The french teach children to write in cursive.

What does write mean in french?

to write is spelled 'écrire' in French.